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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. I honestly don't know - I've spent a bit of time looking at other photos and my inexperience lets me down. The colour is a slightly pinkish red - less red than Winnie's examples, but her examples have a closer patterning match than Galen's. The opaqueness of the white is like the most opaque examples in Galen's photo but not the typical, but I understand they do vary... Looking at other sites it looks like some examples but not others - it's fairly close to Bob's handgathered photo, but with less orange (there's some but not much): http://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/christensen-agate-co/ I'd appreciate further thoughts before I contact LoM.
  2. Keep them coming - they're great examples.
  3. Thanks - the red is slightly pinker than those (from what I can tell). I thought the American Agates came in both translucent and opaque forms from what I've read? This is the group shot, from the purchase site - thoughts?:
  4. Thoughts with further photos?: It came from a reputable seller so I didn't question the ID.
  5. Nice find. No markings on the box or packing slip buried under the sparklers?
  6. Imported from the US with ludicrous shipping costs and got caught by Her Majesty's Custom and Revenue... Over here I'm finding the odd French and Dutch marble 'in the wild' amongst a sea of Asian Cats Eyes. Old groups on the UK ebay site do frequently have some older American marbles in them though, and I'm up against far fewer buyers so I suppose it's swings and roundabouts...
  7. I don't think so. Is there white below the surface or is it limited to the outside?
  8. Black and White - seems to be a less common combination:
  9. Thanks. Yes the bottom one gave me most pause but the others do stand out as different. I know we're only talking possible/probable, but it's nice to have some idea.
  10. Nice! I haven't got any 'peas' yet.
  11. Thanks - I'm not using anything particularly fancy - a Panasonic Lumix GM1 and a manual 70's East German lens, either with a piece of cardboard wedged behind the built in flash, or in this case window light.
  12. Obviously I've no idea what you folks are celebrating, but in the spirit of internationalism here are a few Ravenswood and I shall go and buy a bottle of Sam Adams:
  13. It's okay Al, with filing in X you're forgiven, and anyway us English are famous for our love of Q'ing
  14. I like the ;horsehair' that tracks the main ribbon:
  15. Interesting - 1st right second row from the back? So I'll guess the Sistervilles are 2nd row from back 2nd from left, 3rd row from back - middle one and first right, bottom row 2nd from right?
  16. Wow - I love the French Sparklers, but that Akro is something else!
  17. Slight swirl structure visible in the the white - black are just solid to the eye. The white glow a brilliant yellow/green under UV. The puzzle has the original solution on a printed slip too.
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