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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. I'm blaming Jeff if my wife asks why I've acquired another marble...
  2. That's useful - they've mostly got blank spots on the poles.
  3. Might be old stock they were using up. These look 70's marbles and Champion and Vitro were certainly using seamless stock then.
  4. Complimentary bag. According to the seller authenticated as genuine by Beri Fox:
  5. I've picked up a few of these recently in mixed lots. I'm leaning towards Asian, but wondered about European? Thanks.
  6. Five yellow: Yellow and Orange are the two colours I see most of over here.
  7. Green and white with a very obvious seam/roll mark between 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock:
  8. Good question - I've no idea. From the packages and solitaire sets they appeared in within the UK I think Veiligglas's production may have been at it's height in the 50's through to late 60's. Other European companies may have produced them - I've seen references to Hopf a German maker/distributor from the late 60's but know nothing about them. Champion produced some swirls that could be described as wirepulls, and I suspect other WV makers did too, but whether they were intentionally made as wirepulls or just happened not to touch I don't know... Someone with more knowledge than me might know whether they were made as transitionals.
  9. Does 5/6th for the larger one surprise you, or was that within the expected range?
  10. Four in the pack are 3/4", with the one larger... I'll measure tonight when I get home, but you can judge the size of the larger blue one compared to the 3/4" red one if it doesn't mess with your head
  11. 3/4" which I'd consider the start of shooter size
  12. I picked up a couple of these bags and didn't feel too guilty about carefully opening one: attractive bubbles and bright colours. They're all worth a closer look under UV though... From green a little UV starts to show wisps: bringing it closer: Yes the same marble. The purple one has a less noticeable change, but it's still very visible. The blue remains exactly as it appears under normal light.
  13. Champion clearie shooters: Note the broad base seam but lack of central seam and oversized bag - the lack of seam doesn't indicate a fantasy bag with Champion. These were probably date from the early 70's - but the headers were used for many years.
  14. Just a common or garden cage style cat eye:
  15. I'll guess Akro, but it's a guess. Nice pattern
  16. Thanks - I'm only really familiar with the opaque white without the transparent 'casing'.
  17. 23mm - most of mine are around 25mm but I'm happy it's from the same source:
  18. Thanks folks. I like these 'horseshoes'
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