I've been enjoying sorting through the big bag of Champions. They're not showy marbles but I think they're under-appreciated as a manufacturer because they're so ubiquitous.
Thanks Steph - I'll stick all three in the Veliglas thread. This forum is the only real source for European marble information (beyond German hand-mades).
Thanks both - familiarity and experience then?
I've little of both, but based on size, colour and pattern I'm guessing these are from the same factory?
WV Swirly? A big one approx: 13/16ths or 21mm.
No cutlines, Three long shallow cold roll marks.
Strongly delineated swirls on an off white/light green base.
Orange spot is a reflection!
That must have been an experience!
I wandered through the car show this morning (too busy for full car shots - but I took a few details):
Morris Minor:
It was worrying when cars of my childhood were exhibited as classic cars...
Thanks - No obvious cutlines but I think I need a loupe. I'm not sure my eyesight is as good as I thought it was until I started looking at these things
Slightly smaller than average (still waiting for calipers but about 13mm). Orange tint in photo is misleading - it's a true deep purple / dark violet. I'm clueless on this one. Chance it could be European as it was bought in the UK but came with a couple of definite peltiers and vitros.