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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. The second one in the hand looks too close to not be from the same company, possibly batch. Slightly less certain about the blue one. The reds do have a couple of surface air bubble flaws that I'm beginning to associate with some pelts.
  2. I'm struggling with slags... These are 5/8" so smaller than the previous ones, and feel less 'crude' with very fine white: All three came wrapped together but in the same UK ebay lot as above. The three look like they belong together. I don't know where to start with these: Thanks!
  3. Thanks - I'm finding slags almost as difficult as WV Swirlies
  4. I like the butterfly name. I've got a few of Euro Sparklers - Winnie, who has much more experience with European marbles than me has the view that Euro Sparklers are probably mainly of French origin. I look forward to seeing more pictures of your collection.
  5. I'll go with 'probable European' unless anyone else recognizes it. You'd have thought the makers could have made life easier for us
  6. Yes slight bright sparkles in places under an oblique light - not many of them but they are there.
  7. I look forward to the second part. That's impressive construction in 5 days.
  8. Thanks Euro is definitely possible - the lot was mainly US, but I found a couple of French and Dutch marbles in with the mix.
  9. Thanks John - too broad a 'gather' at the poles?
  10. This came in the same lot as the 'Asian Sunburst' but I think this one is Master... Thanks again for any help.
  11. Slightly over 11/16 Any way of guessing maker? Thanks
  12. The ribbon doesn't look like it dips. One has a a vague corkscrew like pattern but made up of short separate ribbons (not sure whether it's four of five (one could just be a tail of the other).The other is more of a highly distorted baseball stitch, again made up of separate ribbons that meet and it looks like it's six. No obvious green of aventurine but there's a slight glitter to some of the black particularly along the ribbon edges.
  13. Thanks - I'm leaning Akro Slag
  14. The big question is do I know what Pelt structure is? White opaque glass and a single seam that you can't feel with your nail apart from a very short section (maybe 1/6th of the diameter). You can however see where the ribbon 'jumps' as it crosses where the 'seam' would be if you could feel it. One marble is a tad over 5/8th one a tad under - similar variation to rainbos. Is there anything else I should be looking for? Thanks
  15. ManofKent


    Last one for this evening. From the seemingly bottomless lot the last few have come from. These look more like Panda's to me but thought they might be Pelt Zebra's?
  16. Thanks - I'll label them up (must get round to that... ) as Slag, probably Akro.
  17. Thanks - Do you think Akro is most likely for these?
  18. That's a gorgeous cork. I love the variation within that.
  19. Both 'Poles': I also found a twin in the same box and I think it belongs with the amber 'slag'
  20. I've seen them listed as cub scouts (but then some listings are highly 'inventive' ) - The Pelts do have much stronger deeper colours (although I like the shades of these).
  21. They look to me like Akro Cub Scouts (but wait for confirmation from someone who knows what they're talking about).
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