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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. Thanks - I don't have any marble king bags to compare to and I'm struggling to tell 4 vanes apart.
  2. Thanks - I'll try and get better photos tomorrow (off to bed), The colours looked good for Master, the size is fine but it's a broadish gather at the top - not a tight V.
  3. I'm enjoying all of the id threads - the knowledge and willingness to help us newbies is wonderful. There's so much to learn!
  4. They're certainly baseball-esq I get the impression the definitions are a bit vague and not necessarily universally agreed - it's a nickname rather than a manufacturer name?
  5. More Peltiers - Catseyes, but sadly we have no bananas... All four vane and staying sealed
  6. Another from the mixed lot of Euro/American. A single spiral of green ending at each pole.
  7. I'm not sure whether the pattern matches baseball stitching enough to be a true 'baseball' but then I'm based in the UK and baseball's a game played in countries that can't understand the rules of cricket
  8. A newbie guess is Akro - it's got that unfinished corkscrew look, but I'll wait for Steph or one of the others to correct me
  9. How fast can they 30 yards, and equally important how far can you run in that time?
  10. I think these can safely be called 'bloodies': A blue on white with a nice seam jump:
  11. I've been very good and have kept the sealed bags I've bought sealed, but of the three Champion Jr bags that arrived only one had a complete label, and one was completely missing so I decided to open the unlabeled one and thought some people might be at least semi-interested in the content. Three cyan/light blue on off white rainbos: Two egg yolk on white:
  12. Three beyond filthy Champion Jr bags turned up. I'm guessing they've been kept in a shed or very dusty attic. This is after giving them a gentle brush with a soft paintbrush trying to clean up the one with the intact label with a damp cloth: I shall keep the one on the left intact, but don't feel any guilt about opening the other two.
  13. Thanks - I think I'll file them under probable Akro for now unless anyone else comes along with something or I come across other marbles that give an in the hand identification.
  14. Two last photos playing with photographing them on an LED panel - I'm not sure beyond temporarily blinding me that's it helped...
  15. The first two look very different - I'd never have guessed it was the same marble.
  16. - my guess would be they were the early 60's (maybe late 50's) 'pocket money' toy. Cheap enough for a child buy without too much saving. I'm enjoying these inexpensive sets from the period. I'm guessing this was cheaper than the similar sized French glass marble set I picked up.
  17. I'm a complete newbie too, but the way it 'gathers' at the top looks very much like photos of Masters to me, as do the earthy colours. Photos of masters tend to make me think of 'tasteful' and 'restrained' colouration rather than 'fun'. Any way it's a Fun Guy () to have in your collection
  18. Thanks Steph - some of those are pretty close although mine don't really show obvious feathering off of the colour - the transition is very definite between the translucent patch and white base. Akro Royal is looking a strongish possibility to my eyes from photos.
  19. Very clean cutlines and no U / V seam crimp + small size probably makes Master an unlikely possibility but there is some resemblance to some cloudy photos I've seen.
  20. Thanks Steph - I tried against the light - more of an opalescent glow than a real fire. The base white isn't very bubbly, but there's the odd one - there's a sort of flame line effect going on in the base.
  21. Any thoughts? I make them nearer 1/2" than 3/8th", Slightly translucent white base and amber patch. Came in with a mix of US and Euro marbles. Thanks
  22. Beautiful Vitros. I must expand my collection! These aren't quite in the same ballpark and I'll probably keep them sealed. A nice bag full nonetheless:
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