I am of course hoping that Winnie finds the time to write a book on European Machine Mades - even the better general books lump everything under 'German'.
Thanks - the lavender/purple glass is a perfect colour match for a couple of larger Veiligglas that I've got. I don't know how good an indicator glass colour is? I've no idea how standardized were glass recipes?
It was the clear glass that distracted me - I saw it as a clear marble almost completely filled with white rather than a white base that has clear streaks in it. If I'd seen it as white base I'd have checked it against the other white based swirls.
Being completely unscientific it 'feels' right placed against the Veiligglas:
Thoughts appreciated.
Thanks - It doesn't feel like a Vacor - I'll go with 'probable Asian'. Pretty in it's own right but it lacks something. I can't describe the patterning as any cruder than many Peltier's but it doesn't feel quite right,,,
I think this is best described as a slag rather than a swirl?
Transparent glass but largely filled with white. Lavender ribbons. A tad over 5/8.
A bright little thing 9/16ths. Blue base with roughly half the body streaked with yellow bordered by red and white.
Not really a patch or a 'sunburst' type.
Asian crossed my mind, but I don't know why - it doesn't have the fineness of the two Asian 'Sunbursts' I recently posted:
I was never fortunate enough to know Alan, although obviously I'm familiar with his archived pages. From his writing he seems a great loss to the marble community both in terms of knowledge and personality.
Sounds good. I've only been doing this for around a month and I know I'm getting better (and learning what still confuses the experienced). I was a keen birdwatcher in my teens and remember that after a while you could tell what some birds were by a combination of little signs that you only semi-consciously took in.
It would seem a good idea to me - sometimes I pick up a marble and I think that's probably a Pelt and can then go to the Peltier section of a book and web sites, but other times I'm completely in the dark.
It would be good to be able to at least narrow down options.
May be I'm just impatient with my learning, but I don't want to be constantly relying on people's good nature in the id thread.
Are there any ID books that group by style or type e.g. Slags, ribbons, patches etc. rather than company?
I'm not looking for a price guide, so if there's something that's out of print but accurate in identification that would be useful.
Thanks - they look a good match for the reds. The feathering is very fine.
Can the blue be a slag not being truly transparent? I'm still confused on what separates slags from swirls.
The more I look at the blue one the more I doubt it belongs, and as the blue glass is more translucent than transparent I probably should consider it a swirl rather than a slag.
Thanks - could the blue be Pelt too or do you think it's just been put with the others?
Are the surface air bubbles a reasonably reliable indicator of Pelts?