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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. I'm assuming these were okay (too late now...): Heaton Cats eyes - bag had seam and looked okay. Vitro All Reds - looked okay...
  2. That might be a good solution. I'll have to mock up the finished article before it goes into the box.
  3. Thanks both although I suspect I might get priced out.
  4. Thanks. I drilled the exit hole 1mm smaller than the ball, then gradually filed it until the ball just went through. No blocking with a practice set up but it's a possibility - I might try a short 'pinboard' section before the entrance pipe/ramp. I did discover that too much velocity caused the bowl to act as a ramp. There's a ball bearing in the spare room somewhere The small ball scale and wood grain gives some friction issues - I might need to varnish/wax the bowl.
  5. Thanks - the 8mm marbles have very little weight, but I suppose if I get the pivot smooth enough they should work.
  6. I suspect the kits will get most interest, but if you're wanting to do systems maybe Haba? Which system has relatively few reviews?
  7. Are these good for Buddy / Ravenswood? Thanks
  8. You lot are a bad influence. The postman's going to be getting a bad back in a couple of weeks, and I'm going to have to search out another book or two for my wife to distract her whilst I casually open a few packages. There should be a danger sign on the site entrance. I only came here to look at ball runs...
  9. Playing around with the spinner now I've drilled and stained the bowl, the extra weight of the steel balls work slightly better (I also realised I need to give more thought to the speed the balls enter at - the entrance needs to be at a very shallow angle to get a decent amount of revolutions, but the ball needs to be travelling at a reasonable speed).
  10. These all have a lovely simplicity. Sometimes understated is a nice change. I think those with just a hint of pattern though are my favourites.
  11. It reminds me of an Iris, I'm just hoping it's got a twin sister
  12. I managed to cut some brass foil into a spiral ramp but wasn't happy with how it looked and went for a different approach for a descent around the pipe. These are wooden pipe surrounds designed for the base of pipes that feed radiators. I'm attacking them with a set of warding files to make platforms with drop holes: You can see the start of my butchery on the one on the left...
  13. Yes (although as I haven't got to the switches yet I may be worrying over nothing).
  14. Some marbles arrived today. Still deciding on whether to go with mini-marbles or ball bearings - I might need the weight of steel... 8mm glass - probably Czech and designed for jewelry or crafts rather than true marbles. The bowl will be drilled, stained and waxed to form a 'spinner'.
  15. Lovely! I have real marble envy on that last one.
  16. I'm seeing a lot of Champion bags where the card header looks good but the bags don't, although I don't know how long that header style was used for. Am I right to be wary of these?:
  17. Tube bags weren't invented until the mid 50's and took a few years to get used commercially. Tube bags on a roll (with tear off perforations) weren't invented until 1957ish and again it took a while before they were really used. Al Oregon did let me know he's seen vintage bags made without seams. I wouldn't write off a bag without the back seam if it appeared to be mid 60's but with 50's bags a lack of seam or a visible tear off line are big red flags.
  18. Very useful photos - it's nice to have a bag header reference so that I know when to have a closer look. Thanks
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