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Peltier Mibber

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Everything posted by Peltier Mibber

  1. I think I need to see that one in hand to be sure Fire, 🤩
  2. Yeah Ya caught my drift. I think you're rignt.
  3. Hmmm. Does it glow and size?🤩
  4. Iffy quality photo but if you have a Pelt sweet tooth then this will get ya going.
  5. Bump We're getting closer to the conversation. I'll keep digging.
  6. Awesome Emily. I'll see if I can track down the "Mike Barton" reference to the type.
  7. Hmmm. Let's see what others say. I think it's Vitro Horse shoe.
  8. This one looks to be Kokomo. I'll look for Martin's notes on these and see if I can find it in the archives unless someone else is after on the draw!
  9. Well ,this is a good conversation to have. The blue is a Panda blue. The AV is a real kicker. I stand corrected. I do like reverse Zebra though.
  10. Hmm. Not quite a muddy but a nice Smokey Blue though.
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-Vintage-SIGNED-Sulphide-Marble-Pearly-Silver-Fish-1-44-NICE-1970s/354328829993?hash=item527fa4e029:g:fzgAAOSwi71jRpxV&amdata=enc:AQAHAAAAoOYrdjo34pfEQRa1QY05sCDfYm6iDm7IHcgWInB7D+0hECIG89khq9fiH+ViaJcK9veEX57LpacQLmTVFzTeIcjLjg1tWC0yo3tHARXzmBbsZAItUxy3Smkh+ET//Ut95T3zlROLGCOHj4XaDYhI53vwSfAdtOSER2dCXb+hFMkuSm4zYNIxJHuS9NEyApFKXLUU6SJMCtLEgAXqA1RZgGM=|tkp:Bk9SR8r_t9n5YA&pageci=382f8953-e5f4-447e-8941-b0ee60195e23&redirect=mobile
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