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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Hey William, I haven't had much time to spend on the marbles, but I saw your post and just had to say how happy I am for you that everything is manageable! That is awesome that you now don't have to worry about the driving and the cost of gas now that you got some help. That must be some weight off the shoulders. You are such a fighter and Patty must be pretty awesome too! Take care!
  2. Out of this world! But, for the novices like me, what do you call these gems?
  3. That green, blue, and yellow one looks extra cool. Is that a Vitro?
  4. Nice marble! And I can see the detail in your pics. Seems like the consensus is that peewees must be ½" or less. But, 9/16" is still pretty small. Technically, I just own 1 peewee marble! I wonder why I can't seem to find any...
  5. I can see this as a possibility too. Thanks Cheese!
  6. Cat Eyes are sometimes underrated, IMO. They really add a lot of sparkle to any marble display. They are perfect for that great jewelry box.
  7. The last one is the only one that glows a light green.
  8. Thanks for the pointers (both the arrows and the tips)! Very useful information.
  9. Thanks Da Roberto! It's a "possible" for CAC. 👍
  10. The bottom left of the last two pics--Master Sunburst?
  11. That sparkly green one in the last pics . . . didn't Vitro have sparkly ones like that?
  12. Maybe Alleys? At least for the second one?
  13. Thanks Greeyesgreenthumbs! I was thinking that the first one might be an Akro instead of a Vitro as I saw a marble of similar colors on the Joe Marbles site. But, unfortunately, no oxblood. Oxblood would have been cool.Thanks!
  14. So Bumblebee got me thinking about the tactile importance of marble collecting. I bought an old drawer and dumped in it a bunch of random marbles that I had planned to identify in the near future with some other marbles that I decided to take out of bags, and Jabos and Cat Eyes. Now it is the center piece of our dining table. (Bless my husband's heart for letting me do this! We will see how long he will tolerate it. LOL!) That way, when I'm just sitting at the dining table with time on my hands, I can just dig in and choose a marble to ID. Or when company comes they will probably be more apt to ask me a question about marbles. It will be somewhat of the elephant in the room.
  15. I’m cheating because where we currently live rainbows are truly a rarity. But just had to share a Honolulu rainbow.
  16. Maybe they will start selling gas here by the liter again. William, you are an inspiration to all of us, I'm sure--the way you take things in stride and look at the positives. Glad to hear that things went well, inspite of all the weird things that you had to endure when making your mask. Take care!
  17. Well then, let me just say that it is currently .61"! LOL!
  18. Any chance of it being a really globby Peltier?
  19. Hah! I never thought about bugs flying backwards!
  20. This one looks like some kind of experiment. There's a chunky fold of white glass in an ever so slightly tinted brown glass which may be clear, but it is hard to tell with all the brown wispy swirls swirling around on the surface. I think the only interaction between the white and brown is where the white meets the surface. It is .61". Thanks again for all of your help!
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