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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. I have one I always assumed was Pelt, it's amber with a red banana. You think not? Bruce
  2. I think you are correct. I went back to it with Akro in mind and it seems to fit, I even found some whiskers/eyelashes. Not so sure about it being a failed cork though. Akro made some swirls. We tend to focus on their swirls with ox in 'em, but I have a few others that I've always assumed were Akro. They look right. If they had ox, there would be no question. I could be completely wrong though. Thanks Bruce
  3. 11/16ths, all opaque. At first I wanted to call it a CAC but the colors seem a little too blend-ey for that. What do you think? Thanks Bruce
  4. These are my aggies: 1st pic- all hand cut, 2nd pic- 2 stone mibs not agate, shale and limestone, I think, and last- a jar full of machine mades- with a couple of really beat up hand mades. Some of the machine mades are just stone spheres, never meant to be marbles. some are made to be marbles, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Bruce
  5. I thought Berry Pink was a guy that made or sold marbles. Is there also a distinct marble with the same name? Bruce
  6. I have cousins that live in Chad's area. One of those towns out west of Kalama. We used to live on Vashon, not too far south of Poulsbo. Bruce
  7. Translucent means light will pass thru but you can't read the paper thru it. Opalescent glass has an opal like fire when a light is shone thru it. Opalescent glass is also translucent. This pic of Moonies shows a hint of opalescence, all of these marbles have better fire, I just couldn't get it to photograph. Thanks Bruce
  8. Steph: are those all "bananas" in there? And also is there a seam down the back of the bag? Thanks Bruce
  9. I'm puzzled by these. No distinct seam, just a random swirl.
  10. The way I understood it, the primary characteristic of Moonies and Flinties is opalescent glass, and the fisheye is an Akro identifier. But all I'm basing that on is an old Block's book. Here are pics of mine. The small one is just a hair under 1/2 inch. All are opalescent, but it's difficult to get the fire in a photo. The flintie is the only one I'm sure about. Every time I tried to photograph the fisheye it would disappear as soon as I put the camera on it.
  11. Really nice. I've never even heard of them, let alone seen one. Thanks Bruce
  12. Are all the "trade stimulator" bags fantasy pieces? I have seen several Soda pop company bags. I read recently that all pop company marble bags are fake. I saw photos of Heddon fishing lure bags that were fake, but inside were a half dozen, matching, green and brown prize names. The mibs were worth more than the price of the bag. Are all give away advertising bags from non- marble companies fakes or are there just so many bad ones that the real stuff can't be trusted? Sorry about the long winded questions. Bruce
  13. When you guys first started talkin' about "monochromes" this is what I immediately thought of. Don't even know if they're Alleys. Thanks Bruce
  14. My only package. Looks like an assortment from a few different companies; Alley, Vitro, MK, etc. Although it says "made in U.S.A." there are at least a couple in it that I would call Vacor. They're in a vinyl bag. Is there an approximate date for vinyl as opposed to older cellophane and mesh? Thanks Bruce
  15. I have 5 sulphides, all of which have fallen into my lap so to speak. The lion (1 3/4) belonged to my grampa, and was given to me by my Mom. The elephant (1 19/32nds) I got in a trade for stuff I had 0 dollars invested in. The llama (1 3/4) I got in a shop in Eugene for next to nuthin 'cause it was so beat up. The boar (1 13/32) and the turkey (1 9/32) came in a box at a yard sale a few years ago for 15 bucks. I had pretty much given up on Marble collectin' 'cause I never found anything, that box got me started again.
  16. I like a jar of them in a sunny window. But.. you can look for the hand made ones- I have 2, they have some value, but are not much more exciting than the machine mades. Thanks Bruce
  17. When do they stop bein' flames and start bein' feathers? The 2 aqua ones sure look flamey. Thanks Bruce
  18. The only ones I have that fit this category. Have I mentioned that I'm a sucker for corks? It's father, son and Aunt Mildred. Thanks Bruce
  19. Is Mibcapper's post a Pelt? It kinda looks like a CAC striped transparent to me. But I'm obviously no expert, I'm still at the phase where I wanna make everything a CAC. Thanks Bruce
  20. I've been lookin' for a painted china for years and you find one in the river. They have some value, not sure how much. Yours has some condition issues but still displays pretty nicely. You're right, the other one is, I think, an Asian cat's eye, not alot of value but not junk either. Bruce
  21. The ashtrays are Akro with ox. the top one belonged to my Grampa. They both light up like christmas trees under a black light
  22. Wow. Now I gotta throw all my pelts away and start over. Thanks for showin' them, I guess. Bruce
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