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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. A mish mash of rehashed slags from assorted manufacturers for this "Slags & Swirls Saturday"
  2. Agree, the bottom 7 are newer Marble King and the top 5 are Cat Eyes
  3. I agree, it looks like a German sparkler to me
  4. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Antique German Divided Ribbon Core, nice mib
  5. What I call a flag marble (naked single ribbon core) for this "Thüringen Thursday"
  6. The blue one is a figure 8 fer sher, 99% on the red just from the views "Nice mibs"
  7. I have no idea how many times I've posted this but it is by far my very favorite Alley for this "West Virginia Wednesday" I do believe I've beaten this horse into it's second death !!
  8. Flames are identified as having @ least 5 visible "tips" on one side, I don't think manufacturer matters since it's a type of marble and not specific to any certain manufacturer (to my knowledge) Having said all that I'd consider yours a regular "but nice" veiligglas. C'mon @Mojo where ya @ Brother ??
  9. Modern Polymer IMO, though I'm not really positive. Is it extremely light as compared to a glass mib ??
  10. I've had this for some time, I've been told it's correct & I've been told it's incorrect, either way many companies made moonie "type" marbles.
  11. Nice to put a face to the name Aidan, great score getting Aiko's new book
  12. Another "Peltier Tuesday" Wasp, Ruby Slipper & a Cherry Bomb
  13. I believe the Pelt Champaign is the last one bottom right, OP isn't a Champaign IMO LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=36325&p=273100&hilit=peltier+nova+run#p273100 The NOVA run as it has come to be called only had actually one marble that was a NOVA and that is the third over at the top. The first two on the top had different configurations that did not make them Novas and they had no names. The second in on the bottom is the Root Beer Float and the last one on the bottom is the Pink Champagne. These are the only official names given to the marbles by the two chaps running the machines and by Russell Coppel. There were only eight different marbles in this run in 1988 and each run had approx. 7000 marbles. My frisbee golf partner Russell Coppel commissioned the run and I helped him off load when he got back to Santa Cruz with them. I am intimately familiar with these marbles. I got tossed off a FB Peltier website recently because I posted this same information with the photo when someone well known was auctioning a marble as a Nova that obviously wasn't a Nova. Marble intrigue. The Administrator of the site was in the pocket of the person auctioning the false Nova. I knew this was going to happen but didn't care. Attachments
  14. Just from what I see I'm with William, Peltier Rainbo
  15. Been a while & the box wasn't nearly in this good of shape. I've had several honey onyx marbles but never this many@ once. Guess we'll see where this ends up LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/226326079117?hash=i
  16. Yes IMO, stacked flames going in many different directions. Not as strong as some but still I'd have it with my Caligs. Opinions may differ on this MIB Tommy and probably will.
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