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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Mostly if not all Veiligglas Opaques
  2. Some Contemporaries for this "Slags & Swirls Saturday" The first 2 are signed Geoffrey Beetem Dichroic Lutz Types & the third is an unsigned and unknown Auger type, all are around 1&1/2"
  3. x3, Master, machine made. Onionskins are handmade German marbles
  4. "Happy Akro Friday" Akro Oxbloods Blue Oxblood Eggyolk Oxblood Silver Oxblood Eggyolk Oxblood Lemonade Oxblood Silver Oxblood Blue Oxblood Limeade Oxblood Lemonade Oxblood Oxblood Patch Milky Oxblood
  5. x2, they must have a load of em
  6. Too much bleed of the red for CA, x2 agree w/ Alley
  7. Biggest Sulphide I have for this "Thüringen Thursday" A Donkey @ a hair over 2.5"
  8. Killer Veiligglas Chuck ... & Alley & Akro, Ahh I like em all !!
  9. Chad G.

    ID please

    Might be a Vacor ?? No idea really ??
  10. No was never mine, I remember when you bought it though, I'm the one that directed you to the site last year .... Jeff & Tammy ( https://oldraremarbles.com/ ) are only about 50 mi. from me
  11. First one on the left bears a resemblance to Veiligglas ??
  12. Chad G.

    ID please

    No pelt. looks foreign to me ??
  13. You're snake looks familiar Brad ... ... You both have Fantastic mibs ...
  14. Warm soapy water and a medium bristle brush (maybe a couple hours soaking) never any harsh chemicals or "Hot" water, don't want the glass to react in a bad way, steel wool if needed.
  15. Chad G.

    One4 ID

    x2, seeing Akro also
  16. A couple more pix for this "Peltier Tuesday" a favorite Rainbo. Sorry bout the lighting, it makes it look like fracs but I assure you there are none.
  17. "Happy Peltier Tuesday" I found out what this was after I purchased Elizabeth Kempski's book on cat eyes. pg. 55 describes red as being the rarest of the base glass type for cats. Followed on pg. 56 by pictures of the two companies that made a red base glass cat, Marble King & Peltier. Her pictures are excellent and it was easy to pick this one out as Pelt. I've had two of them, this is the second, the first grew legs or wings I'm not sure which ? The second was a lucky find for me.
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