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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. IMHO the OP is "Alley" Here are a few pix of a Heaton Firecracker have.
  2. "Happy Thüringen Thursday" Repost Time !!
  3. Chad G.


    You're not shaving my tail ....
  4. Chad G.


    Maybe this ????
  5. A shot of some I got in a score last year for this "West Virginia Wednesday" most of these are Alley.
  6. Chad G.


    If you take the hair off a squirrels tail what do you have ??
  7. They didn't do to bad, a little short of what I thought they'd bring. LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/165430807566?nma=true&si=yHTmFNUDBrtwUk4I43Pp22qy68Q%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=
  8. I had to post this, an outstanding example of what a basic Pelt NLR can be, an av soaked beauty !! I've seen nothing but top shelf well identified mibs from this seller, may be adding them to our "reputable Sellers" list ?? LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/294931742978?hash=item44ab4d4102%3Ag%3A5hAAAOSwFTxiXIH8&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=
  9. ............ pop, pop, pop ................... ..... Yeah !!!!
  10. "Happy Peltier Tuesday" A bit early but I'm hittin it, a repost of my profile pic. NLR Bumblebee, NLR Bumblebee, NLR Golden Rebel & an NLR Ruby Bee, all with varying amounts of aventurine.
  11. Agreed 100% I to am "slag & swirl impaired"
  12. X2, agree w/ Josh I see mostly Jabo, the remainder may be some form of W.Va. swirl, the ashtray isn't bad either
  13. Between 29/32nds and one inch ?? It's probably or appears to be an Atmosphere anyway, anxious to see it after you get your hands on it !! "nice mib" the colors remind me of a CAC cobra
  14. Hmm !! Never seen an antique peppermint swirl with 5 red candy stripes ?? Not saying they don't exist "but" ??? I'm gonna say "contemporary"
  15. Mine to, I just repost and try to name a few
  16. Found one !! Probably about as close as I'll ever get 😢
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