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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Drats ..... foiled again !!!! Guess I really wasn't sure ??
  2. Yep !! That'd be the book, I got mine right from Sami less than a week after it was released. My opinion is probably a bit on the wayward side being a Pelt Head myself !!
  3. Shorter supply (i.e. more in collectors hands) & the new Pelt book, both really bolstered the prices. A great deal VHTF w/ some nearly impossible to find in mint condition.
  4. x2, agree w/ Rick, Alley swirl
  5. The dart pattern is Akro but the actual manufacture of this piece is Westite.
  6. My best "guess" would be Imperial ??
  7. Westite, just got your pic upside-down
  8. 100% Not a Pelt, leaning contemporary along w/ Rick
  9. "Happy Akro Friday" A few stamps, all are from assorted Akroware, some backwards, some numbered, some signed, some unsigned but all Akro.
  10. Yeah, a 1943 steel D series !! Another kabob job !!
  11. Owowoouch !! You looks like you been shiskabobed !!!
  12. I'm in for Jabo also, I have a few just like it
  13. Agree W/ Ron, serpents have to have "yellow" as well as red & blue to qualify.
  14. x2, Agree w/ master
  15. "Happy Thüringen Thursday" First the "Beast" still 2" @ the widest point, even hammered on like it is !! Now the belly of the "Beast" I illuminated it with my maglite to get a good look @ the construction looking for any remnants of an inner core.
  16. Evidently by the number of Alleys & other new listings a collection was bought, some very nice flames for sale also, just a heads up to the "hardcore" Alley collector !! Don't know about you but this calig. definitely has me drooling .......... LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/255341618825?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050
  17. 1st & 3rd look like Vacor, not sure about the second one from just the one view ??
  18. Aaaagh !! ... Good grief, I think I've been temporarily blinded ?? ....
  19. Agree w/ Art on W. Va. swirl, more specifically I see Alley
  20. Atmospheres I believe were all handmade !! If Ricks is machine made then disqualified as an atmosphere ?? I may stand corrected but to the best of my knowledge is true ??
  21. Good possibility yours is Veiligglas art ?? Ricks is definitely Alley. This one was I.D. as Alley, has all the characteristics i.e. pitting, pieces of brick etc. but no av. as I thought I had a "Green Giant" "but" I still have my doubts !!
  22. Threepeat !!! But the best example of this type of Alley I have !!
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