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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Nice Mibs, can't wait to see more, Again "Welcome"
  2. Middle looking Jabo as well ?
  3. I got mine directly from the Netherlands (Europe)
  4. Seeing a newer MK Albino Bee LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=47264&p=343901&hilit=marble+king+albino+bee#p343901
  5. Not Veiligglas or a Jolly green Giant IMO, I think Ric is on the right track w/ Cairo
  6. Smore pix of my favorite pelts for this "Peltier Tuesday" some NLR Tigers
  7. x2, not Christensen, not sure what it is ??
  8. Looks 100 to me, Sami is on it !! I have it on my watchlist just to see where it goes. These boxes in this shape went for $1500.oo a pop a few years back, w/ the RED & Yellow repros going for between $250.00 & $300.00, guess we'll see ?? Oh yeah, I forgot to add, that's just for the empty boxes w/o the marbles, economy is a little bewildering right now so a game of patience .... yeah right .... .... let er rip ...
  9. I went to the Tukwila show back in 2017, they're usually pretty accurate w/ their I.D. LINK :: https://oldraremarbles.com/
  10. Hey, I got soma those !! Somewhere
  11. "Welcome to Marble Connection" A little sleepy headed right now, I'll have a better look after I catch a few Z's.
  12. One of my favorite Joseph Coats for this "Sundays Best"
  13. Not seeing Pelt, I'd say all newer MK
  14. I believe @hdesousa could have some answers for you about George ?? Here's a link to Georges "Master Glass Company Marbles" book for sale on Amazon LINK :: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Glass-Company-Marbles-Identification/dp/1504979478
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