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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Aren't those Vacor T-Rex you have pictured frit marbles ?? LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/125180684294
  2. Not seeing Vacor, leaning Chinese manufacture IMO
  3. "Welcome to Marble Connection"
  4. "Welcome to Marble Connection Jeff" Glad to have you onboard, nice collection you have there !!
  5. Salmon fishing and spending the night on LORD island a couple years back, smack dab in the middle of the Columbia river "Fantastic" Also a few pix of some of the fruits of our labor. These pix are all from the same spot on the island, the landmarks can be recognized in the pix from dusk as well as the daylight pictures, good friends & good times !! Fishin is hard work, nothin like a little Siesta !! This is the land where the big one doesn't get away.
  6. No beatin a nice dug Heaton for this "West Virginia Wednesday" one of my favorite mistakes
  7. I wish, just some kinda surface asmade microscopic dimpling marks.
  8. I start all fires w/ $100.00 dollar bills and keep it going w/ 20's ..... ... I mean they are hybrids but c'mon !!
  9. I'm not positive it's even a pelt ?? A skunk should have an opaque black base w/ white ribbons, something's looks a little off ??
  10. x2, Agree w/ Ric, in the citrus family but not a citrus tree.
  11. Chad G.


    Not seeing Master, not sure what they are Joe
  12. Both Akro, the same colors but not for this "West Virginia Wednesday"
  13. Chad G.

    Pelt ?

    @Cedarman7 (Lee) is a member here as well as AAM, & yes I agree , a well respected and a long time member of the marble community. I believe he's the first one we put on our "reputable sellers" list. Go to the top of the page, hoover over the "Search marbles Ebay" on the main menu until "reputable sellers" appears just below and to the left of the main menu, click on that & it'll take you to Ebay & our reputable sellers.
  14. Chad G.

    Pelt ?

    No name IMO, just a Pelt Rainbo
  15. An excellent post by Ron Shepherd @wvrons from 2022 with pix of some very rare MK's (including a few Melon Girls) for this "Marble King Monday" LINK ::
  16. x2, leaning Ravenswood here also, can't think of anything else it could be ??
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