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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Lol I was gonna say vitro the filaments should have told me . Obvious now ya all said it ...thanks again
  2. Ok last one today. Size is .86in Kinda looks like a vitro..but IDK.
  3. I still have trouble with the patch family. My guess is a vhtf pelt .lol...🤣 .95in I really have no clue but that peanut butter is different Thanks for looking . Started going through more marbles . So much easier to sort with all the info everyone has given 👍
  4. Right on Ron. Your knowledge is an asset to the marble community. 👏
  5. Thanks Ron. Good info on sizes . I was wondering is this type H.T.F. or valuable. I got it for 2 bucks. 🤔
  6. Tommy


    I believe its white and the red is making it look yellow. I took these pics outside . Appreciate the help.👍 the slag looks like a cherry in the middle .yummy
  7. Tommy


    Thanks everyone . Great info as always.
  8. Tommy


    Just throwing it out ..🤞
  9. .86in . I wanna guess cac flame swirl lol . But I've been known to be way off 🤪. Even on my marble id's
  10. Happy akro friday . I think they are becoming a favorite.
  11. Do you think the mibs in the one I found are the o.g
  12. Thanks Ron. That lamp 😃 is beautiful. Cool info and awesome pics.👍
  13. Just picked this up it was to cool to pass up.
  14. Thanks im still learning . That thicker white through me off lol it looks like the other ones I found just thicker white . I appreciate your help 👍
  15. Right on 👍 thanks again .
  16. .98 in on both mibs . Is that the road and tunnel on white and red.🤔
  17. Thanks .how do you id jabo is it colors or patterns. And the inport doesn't look like all the other imported wales bag marbles I have .lol I thought I knew those thats why mib collecting has bitten me so much to learn and discover. 👍
  18. There is more pics of the same mibs in the first set of pics if they help .
  19. Thank you as always Ron you are the man ☝️. These are much harder than I expected lol
  20. Thanks Chad. I finally figured it out lol
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