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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Are these small specks green aventurine? Are these mk rainbows ? The second marble i believe has a thin line of av.
  2. I think I have its brother . I've been sorting my mibs now that I have at least a clue lol. What do ya think?
  3. I don't even have a guess on this one. Thanks for looking
  4. A little late than never. Since I'm late slag Saturday lol
  5. The base is clear i think that grommet holding the marble is polluting the clarity. 🤔 popeye patch? Thanks Steph
  6. Hello everyone. Got stuck on this one between master or akro. Thanks for looking
  7. Thanks Chad. Awesome pics i like under 1/2 in for pee wee makes sense. And these were made early 1900s super cool .
  8. Cool info Chad. Here are a some small ones .49 .52 .54 When are they not pee wee. 5/8 ? Not so versed on handmade but what do ya call the green one.
  9. Insane wow that is something I've never seen lol🤣
  10. Pretty cool old mib either way imo. Love a good mystery lol.
  11. Thanks everyone. No the bottom green one is really bright uv glow. Working on uv pics tricky to capture .
  12. Thanks I was just wondering about the handmade i figured Germany was #1 for them. Yea Chad it has rained 3 days this year so far .
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