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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. I don't even have a guess on this one. Thanks for looking
  2. A little late than never. Since I'm late slag Saturday lol
  3. The base is clear i think that grommet holding the marble is polluting the clarity. ๐Ÿค” popeye patch? Thanks Steph
  4. Hello everyone. Got stuck on this one between master or akro. Thanks for looking
  5. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ thats great ๐Ÿ‘
  6. Thanks Chad. Awesome pics i like under 1/2 in for pee wee makes sense. And these were made early 1900s super cool .
  7. Cool info Chad. Here are a some small ones .49 .52 .54 When are they not pee wee. 5/8 ? Not so versed on handmade but what do ya call the green one.
  8. Thanks Ric for the info always appreciated ๐Ÿ‘
  9. Insane wow that is something I've never seen lol๐Ÿคฃ
  10. Pretty cool old mib either way imo. Love a good mystery lol.
  11. Thanks everyone. No the bottom green one is really bright uv glow. Working on uv pics tricky to capture .
  12. Thanks I was just wondering about the handmade i figured Germany was #1 for them. Yea Chad it has rained 3 days this year so far .
  13. These are awesome ๐Ÿ‘Œ super cool thanks Chad
  14. Pic 1 .60in idk wanna say cac cause the bright yellow and the swirling on the end ? Pic 2 .65in lots going on inside hard to get a pic . Both glow under uv yellow one glows orange Thanks for your help
  15. If this is handmade that means german ? Or was there other marbles made by hand somewhere else. Thanks .
  16. Wow looks like the launch ramp at Lake mead..
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