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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Tommy


    Cool thank you Chad. I was in with my swirls I put in a box. now I'm looking through again finding cool surprises.
  2. Tommy


    Hey Chad does this mib have a name or a family group or is it just a labeled nlr Just wondering thanks for all your help.
  3. .62in Doing some sorting . Thanks for looking
  4. Thanks everyone. The brown is hard to capture the pattern in.
  5. Yea those didn't come out rightπŸ˜”
  6. This has got to be some kinda chocolate mib . Thanks for looking
  7. .96in A little beat up but got a nice purple. And a deep white.. Guessing Vitro
  8. Tommy


    Thanks Chad..πŸ‘
  9. Tommy

    Two too ID

  10. Tommy

    Two too ID

    Vitro Akro Wait for someone else to confirm Slightly educated guess πŸ€” from a freshman lol
  11. Tommy


    I like the direction your leaning 😁...
  12. Swirly speckled. Doesn't have any texture. Size .96
  13. Got ya thanks Ric. I just wanted to share the mibs in groups I got from this score . Pulled out foreign mibs . Thanks for looking
  14. What do you call this is it a blended bee 🐝
  15. Thanks I think it is kinda diffrent. I forgot to put size. 64in
  16. Tommy


    .65in. One definite seam. Thanks for looking..πŸ‘
  17. Here are some new shots outside. First two are the seams next two are the sides.. then the top and bottom if that makes sense πŸ€” . Yea Steph there is some white in there. Thanks for looking...
  18. Lol 😁 back to square 1... . I will try to take some different pics we will see if that helps 🀞
  19. I used firecrackers to blow up my gi joes and transformers...lol
  20. Let's put it with the Peltier. I was getting that vibe also . Thanks for the input everyone πŸ‘
  21. The more you know the more you . πŸ€” Great thread πŸ‘
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