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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Hello Bax and welcome to The Marble Connection The one that I circled may be worth another look. It looks like you have a mix of newer along with a few vintage. Nothing is real eye splitting that I see. The little brown clay one is a "Bennington". Once again, welcome and Marble--On!!
  2. That is a very nice looking marble. Thanks for sharing it. Marble--On!!
  3. 5 gallon buckets or not---still quite rare---considering the amount. A nice find for sure! Marble--On!!
  4. Here you go Chad, I am not convinced--yet, so do not eat so fast. I may be the Gorilla eating the popcorn bag yet! Leigh and I are working out an arrangement with this one and you my friend may get the final word if you are up for it. What is 5-6 bucks for shipping after all? Great stuff is all that I can say---great stuff!! Well worth the effort and great fun!! All opinions are welcomed and appreciated, keep-em coming!! Marble—On!!
  5. Yes, I would be happy to find it as an unexpected marble that was in a lot of others. I would never pay up for it though. I have seen plenty of Pelts with "Butt-cracks", and plenty of Jabos with the fold/seam in the first image---more Pelts though, older ones. Marble--On!!
  6. Well, It does look blue-ish/white-ish in hand. Imaging will always be a bit off for me, and for many that post here. It is not as blue as it looks in my images. I do not think that it is an Akro. Thanks and Marble—On!!
  7. X2 Ann and keep comin back for sure. Marble--On!!
  8. The ebay images help me quite a bit. That seller usually does pretty well with ID’s s in my experience. I do believe that it is a weak Pelt "Liberty" and if it were mine that is what I would call it. Marble--On!!
  9. That is a nice big one, I do not think that Akro made production marbles over one inch. There some experimentals that are found much bigger though. I am with you on this one--- Akro. Pretty rare, I have never seen one like this in this size. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  10. That bright orange/red color was a Kokomo color domestically, exclusively I think. It is a great color, I cannot call it though. More opinions would be necessary. Marble—On!!
  11. Whew, I had tor re-read the topic. 2.88 had me scrambling, Vacor does not even go that big, do they? I believe that you have a big Pelt there. More opinions are always welcomed and appreciated. Marble--On!!
  12. Here ya go Fire. I stumble into a few while hunting Corkscrews. I don't collect/hunt for them either but I do keep a few just for kicks and I never pass up a good deal if it is cheap enough and I mean cheap. Marble--On!!
  13. Here is a crazy brick coming in at 13/16”. Marble—On!!
  14. A few corks--Happy Akro Friday! Marble--On!!
  15. Condolences’ to you and his family Ron and all of the WVMCC members as well. Rest in peace Hod.
  16. It may mean just that--first run of frosted. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  17. That is a nice marble and a nice surprise to boot. Thanks and Marble--On!!
  18. The left one is an Akro. Marble--On!!
  19. The size helps a lot--Not Akro--I think that Chad has it--Alley. Marble--On!!
  20. What???--Come on Chad---really? I do not know what it is---but it is not veneered.🚫---WVS imho. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Love ya Brother!! Marble--On!!
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