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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Yep, thats the crappy part. I could careless if its a Jabo or if it looks old, but the seller knowingly lists it in the pre-1970 catagory even though they know what they have.
  2. love those Euro swirls Winnie! Nice!
  3. Nice mibs Galen. I only have one opaque with a tail. At 5:00 in this photo...
  4. Is that marble sitting in a pile of spaghetti?
  5. I say bring it on, the more the merrier! heading into the rocky mountains at 5 am tomorrow for a 3 day snowmobiling trip!
  6. Very nice! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  7. Too cool! Thanks Duffy, just like I pictured it. Neat find.
  8. Got a pic of that in the dark with the lamp on Duffy?
  9. That one at 10 o'clock in the last photo is AWESOME!!!! Haven't seen that combo before!
  10. Yeah, I seen that Clyde and its killer too. Lots of great marbles for sure.
  11. That would be my guess. Thoughts?
  12. Not sure which marble u are referencing, but I do know that I don't have any orange slags with oxblood.
  13. That's how he had it listed, but I do not believe it to be Alox.
  14. This was one of my favorite marbles ever. A great friend of mine now has it. Another favorite of mine, but I still have it.
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