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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Back your camera/phone away from the marble. It can't focus that close. Manual focus before taking the photo. Otherwise it will probably focus on the background. Aim for in-focus, not big.
  2. Alan


    Oh yeah - Jabo.
  3. Alan


    If the poles match = new.
  4. The pics are out-of-focus - leaving a fair amount of room for guesswork.
  5. If you are referring to Tom D. Thornburgh Jr. - they are handpainted Chinas starting in 1994 - ?
  6. Its a banded swirl. I don't see any faceting.
  7. It is a Divided core. I can see light between core color bands.
  8. "Half and half" seemed to suggest an accepted marble name. Which (to me) suggested the long-established huge Akro Orange and Blue patch by the same name. Granted, that name goes back ~24 or so years before it was corrupted by an inexperienced Akro-naming person.
  9. "Half and half" what?
  10. Alan


    Machine made. A bit too far out of focus to ID.
  11. Alan


    Its just a flaw. Try to not think 'pontil' when you see something odd in glass texture.
  12. Keep in mind that some glass colors (like white) REFLECT UV energy. That reflection (or perceived color shift) doesn't mean that the glass is UV reactive.
  13. Its too out-of-focus to make out. Maybe a bubble.
  14. These are some nice handmade keepsakes. The Indians (pic 5) are quite nice.
  15. Looks like an fairly standard Akro corkscrew. I haven't heard of "Signature", and I'd probably let that term go.
  16. I suggest that you try for photos in focus - instead of big closeup shots than end up the size of a soccer ball. I know its the fad these days to have huge photos (I can't explain why), but focus is more important than size. Learn how your camera or phone does manual focus. Make sure your lens isn't so close to the subject that it can't focus.
  17. One starting point is learning when a manufacturer was in the marble business.
  18. Modern lampwork. Moretti glass.
  19. Yeah - it looks modern lampwork. It would be more recognizable if in-focus.
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