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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Akro Agate Orange and Blue Experimental football:
  2. Akro Orange and Blue Experimental patches - >1" dia.:
  3. A "keepin' in on marbles" random photo:
  4. I'll be there. I *think I'll be arriving on Thursday.
  5. Then I will only say that I support the actions of responsible board owners and moderators that know when to draw the line between reasonable discussion focused on marbles (which is what I understand the majority of the board's supporters come here for) and foul-mouthed attacks that only undermine the reputation of a board.
  6. If you saw the post of two nights ago you would understand. A vicious, smarmy attack against a person that was beneath the dignity of any reasonable person. The thread originator tried to drag a disagreement on another board to this board as a character assassination attempt. No good board of ANY topic focus should host such degrading writing whose sole purpose is to demean and denigrate another. Respectfully, Alan
  7. The pictured marble is a new torch-made piece of Moretti glass.
  8. I have seen her display several times at Wheaton Village. She has a great and diverse collection - and an eye for putting together a great themed display.
  9. Here is one (and a half) still embedded in a chunk of cullet:
  10. Here is a big chunk of Akro cullet: A Wald Onionskin with mica: A Ro Purser with black panels:
  11. I am somewhat reminded of that extremely complex mechanical marble race in the Boston airport.
  12. Someday (chuckling inside reflecting on my copious "spare time") we should have a thread with a handmade, machine made and contemporary theme. If anyone comes up with an inspiring central theme around that - have at it.
  13. I collect all three now as well. I think that collecting antique handmades helped me appreciate the skill of design and execution that goes into some contemporaries.
  14. Handmades were my start - and I've never sold any. Here are a few:
  15. "It depends". Different glass has different coefficients of expansion (COE). Every manufacturer has to deal with this and test the compatibility of glass before charging a tank with cullet. If the COE isn't compatible - the glass will not anneal properly and will have internal stresses which will likely cause annealing fractures. (Akro Sky Blue Onyx with Oxblood are a good example of incompatible glass....the vast majority have fractures and ended up being dumped). There are methods to test this compatibility. The first requirement would be to test for compatibility between the Jabo glasses and each individual Akro cullet sample (all Akro glass is not the same COE). I would think that it would require a lot of Akro cullet - more than I'm guessing is lying around. Someone else might know the minimum number of pounds of glass for a single color Jabo requires for a run. The whole deal might be more easily done on a torch.
  16. I'm surprised how many people have tried to buy it from me. I found it in a pile of cullet and an Akro funnel I purchased from a digger for $10.
  17. Its a classic Popeye in all respects. Some time I'll need to weigh it and see what size it would have been if it hadn't fallen off the rollers onto the factory floor to cool.
  18. A few contemps with black: John Hamon Miller: Three Geoff Beetem Filigranas: Geoff Beetem Stardust dichroics: Kaimana Glass (Shanti Devi):
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