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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Here is one of the many Blister Pkg that I have that Ron mentioned. I got most of mine in the 2004 - 2005 time frame. I remember Dave M. showing us how they did the blister packages when we were there on a tour.
  2. The video was okay except for the "herky-jerky" motions a couple of times.
  3. Video does a good job of showing the marble but not sure on ID here.
  4. One of my favorite pics from our WVMCC tour back in May 2005 - Eddie Seese working on one of his marbles.
  5. Pete was in very ill health and not doing well last that I heard.
  6. Here are some pics of the larger Vacors in bags - not the "normal" shooter with the 24+1 bags - 25mm, 35mm, 42 mm - there is a 50mm but not sure if I have in bag - can't find pic.
  7. Looks Alley. You did not mention size - looks big - maybe a Paul Bunyan type?
  8. Sad to read - prayers to his family and friends.
  9. Can't disagree with Josh - that's why my "folder" on computer is "Fantasy/New".
  10. I have never been to the Northeast Show but most marble shows have a day for the actual show where marble collectors have their tables with marbles and marble related items for sale and the show room is open to the actual public so there can be a lot of interesting items show up. Also, in the day or two or three ahead of time, there is "in-room" trading where the marble collectors that are staying at the hotel/motel can open their doors and collectors wander from room to room - buying, selling, learning (the important part). And, yes, you can haggle, cajole, bribe, plead, etc. to put together a marble deal. And, yes, there can be great deals. On the lower value end (say up to $20 a marble), people might have a box full of marbles that they are selling at $3 each (or $1 or 50 cents or $10 each. The only caveat is to bring a light so you can examine the marble to determine their condition. That makes a big difference value-wise. So, yes, go to the show and if they have in-room trading, take the time to go a day early and meet people and buy, sell, learn....
  11. I have similar bags - have them with my newer/fantasy bags. There are some interesting marbles in there but mostly newer (last 30 years)
  12. So sorry to read this. He was a nice man. I remember him ferrying us around through a marble tour when a turkey tried to play "chicken" and lost. Howard wore the feather from the grill on his hat. Condolences to Julia and his family and friends.
  13. Top one is Akro corkscrew where the cork color dips into the marble. Some even "disappear" for part of the cork pattern.
  14. Agree with two Pelt Rainbos on right. Other??
  15. Sorta agree with Chad - middle one does look cork.
  16. On the fence? - what is your other side of the fence ID?
  17. Agree with Jabo, especially on the right one.
  18. I have 4 of the Perfect Circle ones - 2 with various shooters and two with variety like this. I have them in my fantasy/new folder. I also have one of the Tournament Champions bags. Since they have a variety of marbles, mostly, if not all, newer - they are newer bags trying to look older with the one color printing, etc.
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