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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. I also think Akro based on the seams.
  2. Is there a “grilled cheese” Peltier out there?
  3. Really a good outcome considering the US was a huge underdog!
  4. I would include machinemades, swilterding and uncledmund to that list.
  5. That should rule-out #1 as a Pistachio, as it should be UV+. Still an Alley, however.
  6. I would put it with my Akros. Nice mib!
  7. Carowill


    Nice Peltier Rainbo IMHO.
  8. I’m leaning Akro, especially with the straight seams.
  9. Carowill


    This marble was named by Ron, if I’m not mistaken!
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