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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Sorry but the post showed up again like I didn’t submit it! It is cool, however!
  2. 23/32” 5-color Akro Special corkscrew
  3. Nice score William! Ashtrays are getting harder to find in the wild and Scotty dogs are nearly never complete, yet alone finding a top or bottom by themselves.
  4. Ron, you’re a national marble treasure! Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge and exu!
  5. WOW!! 😳 Beautiful examples of CAC flames!
  6. An excellent primer on different company’s oxblood!
  7. CAC flames tend to be wider and spaced apart further than Alley and taper more. Also, the Christensen white is usually much whiter.
  8. Agree x 2, and ? MK for last one, based on it having different ribbons IMO. Love to hear others thoughts.
  9. It would be best if you can show multiple different views of the marbles for identification. Thanks.
  10. Agree with you Fire, but with all the bubbles on the 2nd, inclined to think Rainbo.
  11. It’s amazing how something so small can cause so much problems and pain!
  12. Carowill

    3 for ID

    X2, not enough feathering on the green slag to suggest Peltier.
  13. Agree with Akro corkscrew.
  14. Carowill

    Pelt ?

    My vote is Peltier Rainbo.
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