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Everything posted by browncat73

  1. Hi Joe little late on this one but, do you mind telling me the make on the mibs you posted in this group? Is the green one Alley? Thanks!
  2. The clear/yellow is 13/16 I'm thinking Jabo?? The Blue swirl is dead on 5/8, maybe Alley not sure. Thanks for the help.
  3. No idea, but it's a sweet mib!
  4. Hi All, Still going through a bunch of Mibs and came across these weirdos. The orange mib has a piece of silver or really shiny metal inside and I originally thought the second red/ox blood? Mib was a pelt but not so sure anymore. Thanks for looking!
  5. @Fire1981Damn I guess they are common haha. Pretty nice jar though
  6. Some new pelts I acquired not long ago, a bit different than what I usually come across
  7. Really!? I've read pretty extensively on Pelts and I've never heard that. Is it pretty common? Thanks for the assist @Fire1981
  8. This is def the best Turkey I've come across. I could use some assist on the other two mibs. Thinking both WV's?
  9. Pretty sure the clear is a pelt rainbow but, I'm not sure about the yellow clear one. Thanks for taking a gander
  10. Three more from latest score, the first blue and white may be heaton? The crazy blue swirl looks like WV, not sure on the white chevron mib. Thanks for looking.
  11. Thats a picture of a CAC Bloodie gents from All about Marbles. Mine looks pretty close and size is in the honey hole to.
  12. No sir no glow with the UV on this one
  13. Pretty sure I got a Pelt Rainbow Sunset here and the other is a bloodie not sure Mfg? Size is 5/8 on the dot. Thanks for taking a look.
  14. Scored a few Mibs, not the greatest of conditions but found a couple keeps. Any ideas on the below?
  15. I have no idea what this is?? Any takers on to what this thing is ?
  16. Akro Flintie? Size is a hair over 5/8 inch at .63 inches. The reaction to UV is awesome
  17. I don't believe so I can't shine a light through it
  18. Yes sir it is a CAC snotty I didn't mean to include here but, it's a nice one in excellent condition.
  19. That's what I thought. Thanks gents
  20. Sweet! Thanks for the pic sir. I don't think what I have is an Alien though. Those multi color ones are pretty groovy though
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