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Everything posted by Kimbernugs

  1. I think I might be expecting too much 'opal' effect. Thanks!
  2. It looks like an opal base to me, but shouldn't it react to the light in some way to look pearl like? That's what's stumping me.
  3. 9/16ths The base looks like it will be all opalescent, but it's not. Just sorta cloudy. Is it a fancy Conq? Not UV reactive.
  4. The lab saved me these little thingees test tubes arrive in. One of my coworkers walks by and says, "I wonder what THOSE are for".
  5. I can't pull up all that data on my phone, so I'm posting a few of my favorite Vitros here.
  6. Turns out I have seen that thread. I know because it made me cry. I need serious help.
  7. Well there you go. I just needed to search a bit more. Thanks!
  8. I know I'm new to the board, but Vitros are just so awesome. If there's no Vitro day, what about a Vitro morning or Vitro afternoon?
  9. Thank you! I love learning about these gorgeous marbles every day.
  10. Well there you go! I got 2 ID's for one! Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the help. It's very unique and you almost can't see that it's a cat just looking at it as it's so dark. It looks green in natural light, but when I backlit it, it looks blue. This one is a stumper. And it's definitely 5 veins.
  12. It was hard for me to get the pics right, but the base is very dark, and what I think is green transparent. It either has a ton of little bubbles in it, or is it possibly AV? The veins inside look almost yellow, but it's so hard to tell w/ that dark base. I was just wondering if it was AV or just a cool, dark, bubbly base. Thanks! 9/16ths
  13. Sorry for so many pics. My upload went all haywire.
  14. Those are so awesome. That blue ribbon on the green base, or is it green ribbon on blue base? It's so cool. And the black and yellow - amazing. Drooling over here!
  15. That literally made me laugh out loud. And since I work in a cancer clinic, it got a few looks.
  16. Kimbernugs

    MK ?

    There is a line in pic 1 I think might be an as made error of some type. I'm thinking MK blended patch and ribbon?
  17. Yeah, I thought I had a bunch of busted up marbles but couldn't find them for the life of me. If you'd like to send a few to me, I'd be happy to see what I can do. I'll PM you my addy.
  18. Thanks guys. I really didn't know what I was in for, but now it's definitely a possibility for busted up marbles. Might just make a necklace or something.
  19. Not too shabby for my first try, if I do say so myself. I had the supplies ready to go, then realized I had only 2 marbles that were damaged contenders. The orange swirl was done in a tighter-fitting mold and a chunk flaked off when I separated it, probably due to the resin being most their in that area. The Master was done in a larger mold and came out better. I'm gonna need to work on removing air pockets around the damage. So what do you think?
  20. Congratulations ❤💚💛💙!!!!
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