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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. This is right out of our Ringer Box- it's a Ringer! I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd
  2. Hi Everybody, As a continued effort to do my part to help with the success of our President's Stimulus Package, I have listed a Rare Akro Agate Ringer Box on eBay. There are 24 Beautiful Akro Ringer Marbles in the box. Click Here to see my Auctions: Visit My Website I'll be Listing Some More Marbles Sunday too. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer eBay Seller: LEGENDARYMARBLES
  3. Hi Gang, To do my part to help with the success of our President's Stimulus Package, I have listed a small group of marbles for sale on eBay. Click Here to see my Auctions: Visit My Website I'll be listing a Cool Akro Agate Ringer Box Thursday. Some more Marbles next Sunday too. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer eBay Seller: LEGENDARYMARBLES
  4. To who? Not to me. If you want to buy a New China Marble, you should buy a good one, not the crap that's being hawked around trying to fool buyers. There's more art involved in the B.S. stories of those river bottom marbles than the marbles themselves. They were not made as art- they were made to screw people out of their money. They were made specifically to screw marble collectors. Nadine MacDonald has been hand painting chinas for years. She has become an accomplished artist with quite a following. Buy one of her marbles- that's contemporary art. Yes, actually we do know how old the fakes are. Some of us that have been collecting for a while have been following this crap for years. This thread, while intended to help collectors identify real marbles from fakes, has already given the fakers too many new pointers on which to ply their craft. I'm Hip,
  5. M!b$ said: Too true. You can't eat marble soup. All the marbles in the pictures above have long since gone to new custodians. You can though, almost always find a marble that will make you smile. They don't have to cost in the thousands either. I have seen entire collections purchased out of the 10 cent & dollar bins. The last marble I added to my collection was quite inexpensive. A beautiful agate I purchased from Zaboo for $25. As I remember it, Dani & Ernie bought it from me quite a few years before, so I guess I only bought it back. The idea that the Kirks had the marble in their collection for 10 years makes it even more fun for me. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: LL
  6. Here is a picture of a similar marble that we bought in the 1980's. I was glad to get it for $650. They are individually made marbles, not cane cut, so there probably aren't a lot of them around. Everybody's heard the Auctioneer say " It's only money folks. " Mint marbles are a treat! I bet the stack of 23 hundreds in the mail didn't look any better to the new owner than the marble does in his hand. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: LL
  7. The first 2 look too labored- like somebody tried too hard. The last one, even though the damage looks suspect ( could be the pics, in hand exam is best ) looks real to me. The strokes are that of a factory type artist- confident & quickly completed. :Happy_457: LL
  8. My Red Popeye Box. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd
  9. Yeah, Like I could resist this little guy! What beautiful pups everyone has. Luckily, Schultzy and I are pals or I would be very jealous. I'm Hip - the one on the left, :Happy_457:
  10. Hiya Static Rain, I didn't mean you were hiding anything. :Sad_headshake_tweetz: Your listing is very straight forward with lots of great marbles & desirable boxes. :Money_0031: The price is getting up there to where it will be a nice Christmas present for both you & the new owner. :Party_fest30: It's an instant collection that deserves positive attention. We were talking about Steve's Scenic Chinas, Real & Fake. No one had noticed the Scenic Marble in your listing that I knew of- that's why I said, it was hidden away. They hadn't looked beyond the Glazed Pinkie, Shamrock, pin wheel or checker boards. I hope my comment doesn't cause you any trouble. On another note getting a Merry Christmas from Holland seems somewhat special. Maybe Holland is closer to Santa Claus than Pennsylvania is. :Happy_143: Merry Christmas to you too Cees. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  11. Steve- Real Nice Chinas all around. Pretty sure the Scenic is the one from an old-time eastern PA collection. I remember seeing it years ago when it was 'Not for Sale'. I like your center dot pinwheel - others too. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics. I'm Hip. :Happy_457: LL
  12. Teaser.... How about a picture of the real one? I'm always anxious to see chinas. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: LL
  13. Hi Steve, Good Chinas seem to be bringing good money. There was a Scenic Style with Flowers that closed at $2500 recently. Did you see the one that closed last week at 5K+? Wow! What a beauty! The winning bidder has been amassing a collection of chinas for the last few years. There are a few guys eager to own a Scenic China- they will keep the bidding honest. I hope you do well with it- they are certainly rare. There is another Fake Scenic on eBay now. It is hidden in a batch of marbles. Item number 140290710130. This one has the tell-tale mesh bag that seem to come with the fakes. The guys from Europe (JVV) have pointed out bogus scenics before. How about posting a sneak peek picture of your marble before the eBay listing? I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd
  14. Hi All, I showed this Berry Pink box at Amana a number of years back. I thought by now another one would have surfaced somewhere. There had to be a group of them at one time or another. Has anyone seen even an empty box? I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd
  15. Unlike a number of the other posters in this thread, I had known Larry since the early 80's. We bumped into each other for many years at Marble Shows all over the USA. When he put on the infamous Utah Marble Show, I was able to visit him at his home in Ogden. Larry Castle was an arrogant, opinionated know it all, a smart alec & one helluva craftsman. He collected some real oddball stuff. His personal collections included some very peculiar marbles and some equally obscure underground comic books. Larry & I sat on different sides of the fence on many controversial subjects- not the least of which was marble polishing. :Happy_143: He always debated his point of view with fierce conviction. All these things endeared him to me & I loved him for his unique personality. We all owe Larry a debt of gratitude for his pioneering work in the area of identifying & classifying machine made marbles. Thanks for everything Larry. We'll all miss you. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  16. I was told when I bought this marble that Berry Pink gave them away to marble players at tournaments and other functions. This Agate Shooter is machine ground and measuring 3/4" made for shooting marbles. I have never seen another one. Anybody else have one of these? I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  17. " Score one for the old timers, we ain't dead yet." Hello Dinkybus, Woo Hoo! What a cool Berry Pink - Marble King trophy. I have seen a number of Marble Playing Awards, but I never saw one like yours before. :Money_0031: That big trophy would be the focal point of any Marble Display. Nice Score for the One of the Good Old-timers!!! :Happy_143: Did the marbles in the picture come with the award? How about a few more pics of the trophy. When you figure out the picture uploading, I'd love to see a close-up of the figure atop the trophy - he definitely looks like the King of Marbles. And how about Steph- after a while you just expect this kind of research from her. Here is another time that she comes through for us with pertinent information on a relatively obscure subject. I am always amazed at the amount of info she digs up on almost any facet of Marble Collecting. Steph, once again, you have passed normal and landed in extraordinary. Thanks to both of you for sharing. I'm Hip & an Old-timer too, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  18. Patry Denton Artist- For you Patry: I'm Hip, Lloyd Huffer
  19. Hi All, Yep, just like a mini- carpet ball. A good antique mustard yellow color. We have had a few China marbles with Gold on them. It is similar to the Gold edge on lots of dinnerware. The most common examples we have had are the type you (Steph) had pictured. We had one fancy multi-color 'Bennington' with a considerable amount of Gold as well as Blue, Green & Brown. Steph is amazing, she has more facets than an antique agate shooter. I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  20. Here's a Lefty for Rick: I'm Hip, :Happy_457: Lloyd Huffer
  21. I can hear the silence of upstate New York. There is no joy in Canastota, Tricky Rick has passed on. We have all lost someone special, a guy with a sense of humor, a guy that always carried his share, a guy that was always a rascal- our Rick Jackman, gone way too early. My heart goes out to Jane, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  22. Here are a couple of pics of the Yellow Popeye Boxes we bought in the mid-west in 1990. All these boxes had the same type marbles in them. I have never seen a red box with these marbles. I have owned several Yellow Boxes with regular Popeye Marbles in them. I'm Hip, Lloyd Huffer
  23. Bob Lustig was an avid marble hunter. Always after the bargain or score. I was able to buy some real nice machine mades & boxed sets from him over the years. A super clean Akro 250 Gift Set stands out. One time Chris & I made the trip to a Peoria, Illinois Show in one very long day of non-stop driving from Pennsylvania. We were dragging anchor when we registered & got our room. Bob Lustig popped up at the desk with an offer to help us move our gear from the car to our room. With the extra hand it was no time before we were moved in and ready to relax. At some time during the carry-in, I must have mentioned the desire for a cold Moosehead- my favorite beer. About 9 PM Bob showed up with some of Canada’s Finest - ice cold Moosehead. We got a second wind and the bubbly party noise made it out to the hallway. Soon there was an impromptu hallway party- well lubed marble collectors sharing stories and swapping marbles. Where Bob came up with Canadian Beer for me in Downtown Peoria I don’t know, but his thoughtful actions cemented an already strong relationship. We looked forward to seeing him at almost every marble show. I am sure he is missed by many of us that played the game during the 80’s & 90’s. Hoist a brew to Bob today- he would appreciate the gesture. I’m Hip, Lloyd Huffer
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