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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. true too ... came from a friend in pa. who collects ONLY l.e. alley agates .... yep, surprised label still intact ..... in with fellow boxes ...
  2. light orange on the backlight .... bill
  3. yep .... i had the actual crossing sign with these inserts. sadly ... dummy .... sold it yrs. ago. have a few inserts left. bill
  4. WOWWWWW .... ... worth the wait ..... lol .....can i have them.......... joking, but nice all around .... bill
  5. opening drawers is sometimes gud ..... bill
  6. lol .... just a few round orbz chad .... bill
  7. yep ... lol ... but i went to pennsboro .......
  8. on whether ... ohio ..... or .... w.va. .........
  9. my brain after watching the news nowdays ... ........ ..........
  10. that ... is a heck of a keeper chad .... m.k. had some awesome hybrid patterns. never could figure out why they didn't continue on some ???? bill
  11. thanks for your words chad. a safe and secure domain where folks of our common interests can learn accurate information and see superb examples. and most important, stand-up people who take no prisoners when it comes to honesty and decorum as it should be ..... stay well all ......... bill
  12. the winner .......... beauty .... bill
  13. thank u for your thoughts. gotta say every time i drove down 7th. st. , i usually drooled in that i've walked the old factory site, and saw the structure, what was left, of actual production area and all i could do was .. dream .. of how the day started there. sitting next to r.r. tracks ...on 1 side and the fox river on the other. old cullet piles, where art fisher walked, and inspected his domain every day. a man who demanded a whole days work from .. everyone. and ground so hard as to bend a shovel ... bummer there,. nite time was dangerous there. a side arm was necessary with what drifted off those tracks at nite. ron know's well of what i say. spooky place. had to be on your toes there. or trouble was in front of you. har ... all in town of parkersburg. ahhhh ... what memories ....... bill
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