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Everything posted by lstmmrbls

  1. It is probably a good thing that cetrain items disappear at the dollar store. I am not so sure that multiple consumption's of a lot of those items do not have an unhealthy accumulative effect(LOL)
  2. Look at some of the descriptions of the imported marbles. Carnelians onyx etc. probably bennington types but? http://www.oldwoodtoys.com/images/Butler%20Bros.%201905%20%28160%29.jpg
  3. With those pics Gotta go with my original assumption. Neat Marble! (weird seams though)
  4. Sure were, And they were great in The Wall concert in Berlin 1990. I was lucky enough to be there. If you have not seen it the Video of the concert it is probably one of the best Live Concert Videos ever made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wjxFp6U-pns
  5. got a pic of the other end Rich. The end shown just does not look like any kind of seam I have ever seen. As it continues down the side of the marble and is all wiggly unlike a shear mark. Maybe it is ground from cullet?
  6. Everything in my gut says that Akro box is backfilled. I do believe a lot of the different hand gathered types are 20s 30s German marbles. I have seen many 30s catalogs that listed imported marbles. Individual stores probably had a lot to do with what was put in many boxes? I have seen several smaller count boxes with individual marble prices on them.. If the marbles were sold piecemeal It seems to me once the boxes were empty the store owners quite possibly put whatever was around in them?? This may be one explanation as to why one companies marbles can be found in other companies boxes and appear near original. The kid or parent with money bought a whole box that had just been refilled by the store owner. Just one of my deep thoughts(LOL)
  7. Sure looks like it Hansel, I am just going with the assumption it is a machine made marble. The more I look at it the more it appears to be mineral and the seam is a fault in the rock.
  8. I have 5 2 seam American Agates and have alway thought the most translucent transparent bases were American Agates and the primas had the more solid looking base. Guess I need to switch up. That looks like a latter box of American Agates, Norm Brown had one with all 1 and 2 seamers which looked similar to those But the earlier boxes of Handgathered types I have seen looked more like the ones in the earlier posted box. Much more like the Primas. Going by your boxes I only had a few American Agates. I will take a pic of whats left. OOOps, as I was putting them back I noticed a couple that do not belong.
  9. The pattern is just something I have never seen before. Has to be one in 10,000,000
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pwskwBsJlQw
  11. I had 60+ American Agates and Primas all together in Canton. The Pelt Guru and I really had a hard time deciding which were which as he wanted Primas. And I am pretty positive that we made many mistakes in our decisions. American Agates
  12. That is one frozen nest right now!!!! Those eagle bellies must be warm!!!!
  13. All I found at my dollar store was sloppy Joe mix. In the cart it went along with a bunch of other crap(LOL). Then going to checkout they announcedb that they were out of bags for checkout. Left the cart and walked out. Looks like potatoes will have to wait till tomorrow. Friday night I take Pops out to dinner.
  14. is it possible a store owner did it at the time and it was not a product of a distributor?
  15. Don't do dogs too often but the above combo With cheese and bacon pieces!!!! Gonna stop at the dollar store on the way home
  16. https://www.google.com/search?q=marble+ads+in+toy+catalog&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NNQ9U5OnJaLWyQGJzoCIAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=955 The assorted onyx are listed as 100 ct and 50 ct boxes. That makes sense to me The only one that seems off is the cerise and that may be wrong? Maybe they did put some in the 50 ct boxes?? Now thats one I would like to find if they exist.
  17. A box full of those would be unbelievable!! These are just plain old dull pastel very lightly striped opaques.
  18. The way the adds are printed those appear to be listed under Imported marbles???. Is that page 1920 or the year????? I would assume that is a page number and they are Peltiers. And boxed as one would expect. I notice Cerise does not say.Red?? Gropper sold only assortments of mixed colors except Cerise. Cerise were the only slags they sold separately . I assume the partitioned display boxes were the 100 count assorted slag boxes???
  19. The condition of that box would eliminate most all thoughts I may have had that the marbles were original to the box. Just my opinion.
  20. If it were mine it would be my second favorite behind this one
  21. Click on edit where it says Registered name and address under Email and Contact information. You can change phone number there.
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