I call them what I want when there mine,and leave the name up to the new owner if Im sellin'!!!
The names,to me,are very important for a couple reasons.
One is for identification by association.Color combos that mimmic something,most likely from our childhoods(Im still enjoying mine),comic book charictors,being most common,animals,ect....these are usually the most "fun".
Some names being from the original manufacturer,or something that "links" it to the company are nice,too.Excellant learning tools.Some can be kind of boring though."Tri color onyx" sounds blaa,compared to "hybrid popeye corkscrew".Two color peltier swirl,is ZZZZZZZZZ....compared to a "Cub Scout,Wasp,Bumble Bee,Submarine,,,ect."
Theres will always be "gray areas" in the name game of the marble world,because getting everyone,"on the same page",is impossible,without everyone lining up for a mass labotamy.
I love the name game on the boards,when it get to be,"Your wrong,and Im right"kind of discussions.
I consider it target practice,when I see it.
You know Im the type of guy,that will wave and smile at someone,flipping me the bird,because I wouldn't go 80mph,on the Mass. Turnpike!! :Cartoon_177:
Agree or disagree with respect,is the key,and Im still waiting for the "Sponge Bob Square pants" marble to surface. :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: