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  1. If you come to my house,with that boat on the hitch for me,they all go---alleys included!! Besides,I cant get the lid on that case,anymore. Ill even though in a couple of fish dinners!(not ohio river or tmi fish)---LOL
  2. this one,,,,,,,, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=150319102995
  3. It looks suspicious to me.Wrong marbles,and a strange looking label.
  4. Thats it!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go now!Ill have to get on the phone,and get things in order. I wonder whats bitting out there?SURE COULD USE SOME NICE CRAPPIE FILLETS----LOL
  5. Bump,,,,,,Im still thinking on it!--------con--537 miles at 20 to a gallon,at $1.59 a gal.,+ pa turnpike tolls pro----get to see some marble family,visit with friends in w.va. seems like the pro's have it,so far
  6. Im still coin tossing.About a 9 hour drive for me,,,,in good weather.
  7. Mine is flourescent based.LIKE FIRE! I thought that cairo marbles had a "snake",meaning,the color had a start and finish,on the surface.
  8. Indiana Marble Show January 8, 9 and 10th, 2009 Comfort Inn and Suites at the Pyramids 9090 Weslyan Rd, Indianapolis, IN 317-875-7676 The motel has blocked off a section of the motel so that we will have rooms in one area of the motel, there will be three types of rooms running from the price of $52 - $57. There are limited rooms in the block so book soon. Also tables are open to reservations at $25, which includes membership, with each additional tables at the rate of $15. We ran out of tables last year so call to reserve your tables soon as well. For questions or reservations contact Mike Adams at [email protected], or Beth Morris at [email protected] or 765-457-2477.
  9. Didnt know any light green based marble made a "pistachio". HERES ONE.
  10. The market is flooded with marble king spidermen.All varieties have been "popping" up,blended/regular/with oxblood.(bunch with oxblood showed up at sistersville,and the vienna show this year).And of course the economy. Just another cycle in the marble world.I still aint payin' $10 for a new,mass produced marble!--LOL
  11. Peace is with you. Always had nice "chats" with Larry,at some marble show.
  12. Im always relaxed and casual.With the exception of running into one of those,as a matter of fact,no it all, guys!----PEACE! :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao:
  13. Red and green snakes with mica!-----Sorry,its all I got
  14. Cant realy say that I have.Do you mean,a raised seam,say,like what you might find on a bullet mold marble?(but just on the cut line)
  15. Here's a couple,Ray Laubs,re-turned jabo's.
  16. NO NO NO!!!!!Not the enamal sticker picture marble!!!!!!---LOL I think Ill start naming marbles after fish-------but I will limit it to only the "TASTY ONES"!!!
  17. I call them what I want when there mine,and leave the name up to the new owner if Im sellin'!!! The names,to me,are very important for a couple reasons. One is for identification by association.Color combos that mimmic something,most likely from our childhoods(Im still enjoying mine),comic book charictors,being most common,animals,ect....these are usually the most "fun". Some names being from the original manufacturer,or something that "links" it to the company are nice,too.Excellant learning tools.Some can be kind of boring though."Tri color onyx" sounds blaa,compared to "hybrid popeye corkscrew".Two color peltier swirl,is ZZZZZZZZZ....compared to a "Cub Scout,Wasp,Bumble Bee,Submarine,,,ect." Theres will always be "gray areas" in the name game of the marble world,because getting everyone,"on the same page",is impossible,without everyone lining up for a mass labotamy. I love the name game on the boards,when it get to be,"Your wrong,and Im right"kind of discussions. I consider it target practice,when I see it. You know Im the type of guy,that will wave and smile at someone,flipping me the bird,because I wouldn't go 80mph,on the Mass. Turnpike!! :Cartoon_177: Agree or disagree with respect,is the key,and Im still waiting for the "Sponge Bob Square pants" marble to surface. :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao:
  18. Dont worry Al,its coming,,,,,I came home saturday night and I'm leaving for Mass, and maine on tues.----------I think Ill do a thread,,,,,Road trip with Griff------Photo's from Cairo/West Virgina show/brimfield antique show/Maine marble show/all in a row. You know Ill have to slip some fishing photo's in there!!-----
  19. After all the scratching around I did in cambridge,I never found any "exotic"cullet .I did find some nontypical stuff.But that doesnt prove,or disprove anything.
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