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Cullet Marbles

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Just what are cullet marbles? By slabbing and rounding dug cullet from the various marble company's dumps and elsewhere I have made beautiful marbles. When I refer to a cullet marble, this is what I am referring to. Now after a debate with other people, this I find isn't exactly right. What is right? ----Leroy----

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JABO used cullet to make marbles. i never heard David call them cullet marbles. I'm with Leroy on this. When people make marbles by rounding out pieces of cullet, I call them cullet marbles. i have one made from Fenton Burmese glass cullet by Timmy Walden.

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Here are examples of my cullet marble work. Some cullet is from the original machine marble making plents dug by others i bought the cullet from and others were made from the extra glass from the Jabo company where it dropped off the stream/rollers into a pile where I broke it up into smaller pieces. I also use broken Avon bottle cullet, broken candy dishes as cullet, broken glass plates as cullet and candle sticks that have been chipped/broken cullet to make marbles.




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Here's where the rub comes. Should marbles that are made from melted down glass from all sources ever be called "cullet" marbles or maybe it would be more proper to call them "remelts"? Cullet that is slabbed and ground into round marbles, to me are "cullet" marbles (no heat involved). However, I have no problem with whatever they are called, Just so I understand how the marble name was arrived at. ----Leroy----

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Once again, the newbie chimes in with her, probably naive, opinion...

If the definition of "cullet" is scrap glass from any other previous form of glasswork,

isn't it true that "cullet" was commonly used by most marble manufacturers?

Would it not make sense to describe a glass marble in terms of it's form of manufacture rather than it's source of glass?

For example: machine-made, torch or lampworked( as Santa's mibs above), hand-gathered (such as contemporary artists who may use old cullet) and ground ( such as Leroy makes).

Of course one would expect any maker who is using cullet from an old marble factory to specify that in their description.

Just an idea,


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Remelts are marbles made into a bigger marble. Cullet marbles came fron shards of glass and weren't marbles to begin with. Here are some remelt marbles I made from putting together 3 or 4 Jabo maebles that were first made on a marble making machine. All these marbles are about 1" diameters.




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