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Tell Me About Champion Jr.'s....


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The "Champion" headers I've seen with Pelts are green on poly with Rainbos or Banannas in them. The "Champion Jr" labels I've seen are checkerboard with orange and black letters (like old MK labels) on mesh bags, or red on the poly bags I've seen.

Steph, I think "Champion" was a pretty popular marketing word, in general. Did the box have Pelts in it?

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Well, the kid is the same on both types of box . . . when did the knickers with argyles look go out of style? It seems "Champion" may have been a long running marketing theme. And since Peltier and Pink were thick as thieves, it would make sense that they shared graphics - maybe even the same design and print shops.

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From a 1939 article. They don't seem to hold a lot of marbles. But they do say Champion. And it's from when Berry Pink was selling Pelts. :)

Fairly large size pic -- might need to double click for full size


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It doesn't appear there are many, if any, more marbles in those Champion mesh bags than the Champion Jr. Mesh bags I've seen. But I do notice they all have a big shooter, which is something I have not seen in the Champion Jr. mesh bags.

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