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Promo Movie Morphy


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In this movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDfB2dg-F2A

Dan Morphy is opening a box with some top marbles. approx at 1 minute and 56 seconds. The photo below is a frame of the movie.

I recognise a very large indian marble. Perhaps the 2-3/8 inch indian marble they mentioned in a digital flyer for the upcomming marble auction 13-14 december. In this fyer they also mentioning an onionskin with floating lobed mica. I can't see it in the picture below. In the box to the left of Dan are some very nice onionskins.

Could these marbles Dan Morphy is showing part of the 3 million dollar marble auction that was on Foxtel television yesterday. I hope someone has seen it on Foxtel.

I don't know if this collection was on television just to show that someone has such a collection, or that is was shown as an example of a collection that Morphy is going to sell. I would love to see what kind of marbles there are in a 3 million dollar collection.

Jeroen P.


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I have found the location were the movie about the marbles probably can be seen: http://www.aetv.com.au/shows/Million-Dollar-Auctions.html

But I got a message that I can't watch it from my country or location.

Perhaps you can in the USA, or there is someone who is so clever on the pc to bypass this message, download the movie and put it on youtube.

Jeroen P.

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just heard from my source that Dan M. will put clips of the show on later that it just aired in Australia. .- am sure us collectors woudl enjoy the show form last night.

yes, wonder who could contact in Australia that could do the you tube... wonder if that tv station there woudl do it.


p.s. that pic, of Dan with the marbles.- that is his offie and to the right ot he shelves- hard ot see- are all large marbles

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If he got a big collection to sell I wonder how many hundreds they will put in one auction. I wonder if it will be enough to drive marble prices even lower? I do not support Morphy in any way, any more. IMO he has hurt the marble hobby more than anyone ever has by having way too many marbles for sale in the auctions. And many many folks I have talked to feel the same way. A good friend of mine gave them his premium CACs to sell and asked they not be included in any sale with a lot of CACs. Well they got put in the last auction. He was very unhappy about the whole deal.

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OMG the casting flaws alone are enough to make you laugh. Both are repros imo.

The originals have much more detail especially in the kid's faces.

This is really getting out of hand. Pretty soon nobody is gonna trust anyone selling ANYTHING marble related at ebay! Between all the unsigned art glass and the do-it-yourself modern Bennington crap, I think we have a challenge ahead of us if we place value on our own collections.

Here is what the detail should look like, for all of you who can't tell the difference.


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I have been doing silver smithing since 1978 and have done a fair share of casting, in both of these medals you can see porosity, this said a rubber mold was made of the medals and whomever cast them is far from good at casting. I have cast pieces that ended up with porosity and they ended up in my scrap. You would think if your trying to rip people off you would at least use a great casting.

Years ago I bought a wonderful Greek coin from Ebay at a cheap enough price it was worth the gamble, as soon as I had it in hand I knew without a doubt it was cast. I told the seller (did not want a refund) and they found it hard to believe me, I pointed out that the edge of the coin had lines where the rubber mold was cut and whomever did the casting did not even clean up the finished casting. I learned after this that in Europe it is common for some large casting concerns to cast old rare coins for sale as reproductions.

I am going to contact Morphy's on this item and tell them they are selling a casting I will let you know if I receive a reply.

All my best ........ Danny

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What I asked Morphy's

These look like cast reproductions that were from a rubber mold because they have porosity in them. If they were original I would think they would not have this in them. Can you state without a doubt that these are in fact as old as stated in this listing.

Best regards


P.S. This question is not showing up in the questions asked.

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HI All

I am also a paperweight collector and have a list of Worldwide collector clubs. There is one in New Zealand/Australia. I just emailed him to see if he can help us out by getting the Oct 29th show on You tube.

Will keep you posted on his reply


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HI All

I am also a paperweight collector and have a list of the Worldwide collector clubs. I just emailed a member in New Zealand/Australia Club and asked him to see if he can get the Oct 29th show on You tube.

Will keep you posted on the results.


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can you show any example of your work?

  On 10/31/2013 at 9:29 PM, lopacki said:

I have been doing silver smithing since 1978 and have done a fair share of casting, in both of these medals you can see porosity, this said a rubber mold was made of the medals and whomever cast them is far from good at casting. I have cast pieces that ended up with porosity and they ended up in my scrap. You would think if your trying to rip people off you would at least use a great casting.

Years ago I bought a wonderful Greek coin from Ebay at a cheap enough price it was worth the gamble, as soon as I had it in hand I knew without a doubt it was cast. I told the seller (did not want a refund) and they found it hard to believe me, I pointed out that the edge of the coin had lines where the rubber mold was cut and whomever did the casting did not even clean up the finished casting. I learned after this that in Europe it is common for some large casting concerns to cast old rare coins for sale as reproductions.

I am going to contact Morphy's on this item and tell them they are selling a casting I will let you know if I receive a reply.

All my best ........ Danny

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