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Kansas City Marble Collector's Club Show

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KC Marble Show and Marble Crazy at the Moon

11th Annual Marble Show

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Overland Park Holiday Inn

8787 Reeder Road

Overland Park, KS

Call the hotel at 913-888-8440 for reservations. If you made a reservation last spring, please call and confirm your reservation.

For information about the show, email marblecollector1957@yahoo.com or greatmacscott@aol.com

For table reservation (only a few left) contact Charles Williams: marblecollector1957@yahoo.com

Marble Crazy at the Moon is the Friday and Saturday before the Marble Show!

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Quick KC Show update - Almost 6 weeks to the show

- Tables - Fifty tables have been reserved. anyone contacting Charles or I will go on a waiting list. If a table comes available, the first person on the waiting list will move up. If you are interested in a table, let Charles or myself know so we can get your name on the waiting list.

- Hotel Rooms - Room Block is still open. We have been given priority at the hotel. The best way to make your reservation is to request whatever is available beginning on the lower floors and moving up. Each floor has a finite number of each room type and if everyone requests the same room type, one bed, two beds, suite, the group will be more spread out. As of yesterday, there is over 100 room nights reserved. If you made your reservation at last year's show, please call the hotel and confirm your reservation.

Thanks for the great support we are receiving for the KC show. Letters have gone out to publications with community calendars within 100 miles of KC. We are expecting a great turn out for our show and Marble Crazy at the Moon in Bonner Springs.

NOTE: The Toy and Miniature Museum will be closed for remodeling so the Larry and Cathy Svacina Collection will not be open for display at the museum.

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