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Story About An Online Auction...

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I won 1 lot in a recent online auction... Here is my experience...


20% buyers premium 45.00

USPS shipping $14.00

Total $284.00

I received email invoice and replied back to charge CC on file.

assistant customer service manager writes back "but we do not keep the CC info on file.."

That is not a true statement.... I can see my current CC info when I log into their website...

I call and give my CC info over the phone..

8 days later they still have yet to charge my card and no marbles...

So, why are they charging $14.00 USPS shipping.... Also, why a 20% buyers premium when they are charging the consigner a premium as well. get it both ways I guess, why not..

This will be my last time using these jokers.

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Sounds like you've been Morphied Greg.

As a person that has done customer service for many years and taken payment over the phone thousands of times the person was correct in that they don't keep the cc on file where the person taking the payment can see it. It's a different program that is used. Once the number has been inputted anywhere from the whole number to the last 4 are "X"ed out. Some companies even forbid the employee from writing down any numbers. Even if taking multiple payments for security reasons.

You can see it on the website but they don't have access to that due to passwords. Even when you call your cc company to make payment most now only see the last 4 digits. Once a payment is taken over the phone it should take no more than 48 hours to go thru. It can be can done same day as well if the payment is done before bank closing.

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well the 14.00 shipping is quite outrageous. but someone need to pay the salary of their employees... also before you signed to do online bidding they do state about the 20% buyer's premium...

i'm not sticking up for them at all but most auction do have have buyer's premium's

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yeah, I guess charging a fee for sourcing is ok, kinda like what drug dealers do, after all... the marble auctions are run by an ex walmart manager,what do you expect :rolleye-842:

Jobs these days are hard to come by.

Being the manager of a Wal-Mart is a great accomplishment.

Randy Conway

and no I don't work for Wal-Mart I just have respect for a guy that gets up in the morning and goes to work to support his wife and kids.

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Yep, 40% on every item sold. Wow...good for them I guess. Many people don't seem to mind.

Clyde: Brian told me he does all of the groupings, descriptions and grading. Has that changed?

That is correct .

He also does acquisitions and gets a % of the commission on the items he brings in. An eat what you kill compensation model.

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Bob, just a little food for thought. One of the worse things someone running a business can do is talk S*** about competition. It is classless and does the talker no good what so ever. It never makes a business look better talking crap about someone else. I would say just work on your own business and practices to make them as stellar as possible.

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Wade, not for a couple of months. Too busy at work.

lstmmrbls, I didn't think I was being disparaging. Craig asked a question, I confirmed what he wanted to know and added the additional piece of compensation information. It's a fact, not an opinion. You, of course, can interpret my motives any way you see fit, but I fail to see how my response was disparaging in any way. The term I used for the model is what it is called in the real world. It's the same term we use to describe the compensation system for the physicians and clinicians we employ where I work.

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Thanks Bob. That's what I thought. Brian and I talked about what he did for Morphy a few times at shows.

Galen, talking sh#t would be saying Morphy and their premiums suck, payment and shipping issues suck, Brians grading sucks, the way he groups your consignments in the auction sucks, many of the pictures suck, and prices realized on most items except the most rare suck. But I would never say that out loud, because it would be rude.

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I ran into Brian yesterday morning at Brimfield (bought a bunch of boxes and medals from him, I'll post images later) and we had a long chat about grading.

Prior to the last auction, he had to grade the items on-site at Morphy's and would try to grade 700 lots or so in one or two days. Those of you who have catalogued auctions or who sell on Ebay will realize that this is an impossible task. Starting with the last auction, he takes a portion back to Ohio and grades the marbles in a more leisurely manner.

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randy, jobs are not hard to come by at all, anyone can get a job if they get off their rear end... Let's just face it, walmart sucks, sure its American but it really bites for those who work there and the customer experience sucks.

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Yes Walmart sucks. (so your saying no one should work there?????)You are living in a fantasy world. Jobs are very hard to come by in many parts of the country and making enough to live on decently is next to impossible in many areas. You made a snide remark that seemed to speak of your character. I thought you were better than that. Kind of like the crap you just shot at Rich. It must be really something else up there so lofty. Something going on in your life??

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come on galen, you actually think someone can make a living working at Walmart? I actually think there are plenty of jobs available and the unemployment numbers are blown way out of proportion.. Drop the government, state and church handouts and you will be amazed how many people will actually get a job..

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No I think anyone working for Walmart has it real tough and get my greatest respect.. But,Like I said, you are living a fantasy world with your head in the sand. The unemployment numbers are actually very much higher than reported because once someones unemployement payments stop they no longer consider them unemployed even if they have no job. And part time emplyes are no longer counted as unemplyed. With many companies giving minimum hours so they do not have to supply benefits.

In my area there are sometimes100s of applicants for a single decent paying job


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