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In your prime you stole their breath away,
a prize in battles won and lost.
For that passion there was a price to pay.
Bit by bit your beauty was the cost.

Fresher faces replaced you in the ring,
retiring you to a dusty past.
Too broken to be the star again,
yet too precious to become trash.

Many decades in darkness you hid,
losing your memories but keeping your scars,
until a new lover opened the lid,
and hoisted you back among the stars.

What love and time took we have forgiven.
Both have made you a rarer prize.
Beauty lost to love is only hidden,
taking our breath and giving a sigh.


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I had a beautiful little collection of highly pocket worn marbles.  Maybe they were aquarium marbles.


And I sold them.  


Funny I'm sad about that.


Sad about parting with the mint Akros from the collection of an 8-year-old boy who babied the marbles his traveling uncle brought him and never played with 'em.


Sad about parting with my warmly roughed up ones.  


Aaaaaarggh, why did I ever sell a marble.  Oh yeah, I remember why, but still ..... aaaaargh.

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11 minutes ago, disco005 said:

I'm really in love with that top right Akro in your photo     :wub:


You mean the lavender and mint? It's a stunner. Are you so in love you feel your cornflower blue ace/mossy cork slipping from your fingers into an envelope and addressed to me if I offer you this chorus of Fallen Angels in trade? ;)


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I've been working on my picky nature. Enough pixels and money has been spilled over the likes of perfect marbles, and I'm not going to say that it isn't important...it surely is.  As mint as one can get is always terrific.  But I've been working on trying to appreciate marbles that interest me for the condition they are, and not worry about how they present (that is, they are in worse condition than I wish they would be).  So I keep those I like, chips and all.  This one isn't wounded like some above, but I tried to get a perspective on the surface in this photo.  Recently found this rebel in the wild in a small jar of mostly MCS examples...paid 10 cents. Seems fair.


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I've probably only *sold* a couple of marbles in my collecting career. I've given away quite a few to my best friend, including some Larry Castle marble jewellery. I'm now in a cross-country marble exchange. But... Some of my collection is going to make somebody very happy when I die and I'll have most of them until that point.

Like any collector I try to find the best, but I don't sweat the imperfections. If I can hold it in my hand and not see the hits, it's mint for me.

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23 hours ago, bumblebee said:

You mean the lavender and mint? It's a stunner. Are you so in love you feel your cornflower blue ace/mossy cork slipping from your fingers into an envelope and addressed to me if I offer you this chorus of Fallen Angels in trade? ;)


:D you are relentless! I promise, if I ever were to feel that need, you are first on the list!

Those are some pretty nice Akros there bumblebee!


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On 2/25/2016 at 10:18 AM, rockinron110 said:
On 2/25/2016 at 10:18 AM, rockinron110 said:
On 2/25/2016 at 10:18 AM, rockinron110 said:






On 2/25/2016 at 10:18 AM, rockinron110 said:

I have a beat to crap Peltier Golden Rebel that I will never part with.  Need to find it and get you all some pics.  When I say beat to crap this must have been the original owners

favorite shooters. 


Found it





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The examples above are totally traumatized! I have a group of five, probably CAC American Agates/Pelt Prima Agates, in a fisher tray on my desk that are hammered and that I can't part with.  I keep them because I like this type of marble, and I am trying to make a bit more progress on their identification.  I wouldn't pretend to have figured these out...so much back and forth in my head and out there. FWIW, today I am thinking the left and middle are CAC, and the right shooter is a Pelt.  Tomorrow I'll probably change my mind.

FallenAgates copy.jpg

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