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marbles keeping me awake at night

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Anybody else ever been away from home knowing in your mind that you had some special marbles waiting for you at home. You have a picture of them, but haven't touched them yet. Havent picked them up and walked to the window, smelled them, tasted them. You spent hours searching the Internet for some that are a perfect match flipping back and forth between your photo and six million websites. You just know there special. You go to bed at night thinking about them and wake up thinking about them. Then reality sets in, you get a sick feeling in your gut. What if there just more wrist rocket ammo? 

Edited by budwas
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Can't say that has ever happened  ..... luckily I've always been here when I had marbles on the way. 

Worst I've had to worry about was what would happen if they stayed on my porch too long on one our subzero winter days ... and then when that happens I bring them into the house in stages ... leaving them in the cold foyer to warm them up gradually.  Heh.

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I have always had the good fortune to be home while expecting marbles. At least near by. Still as I check the tracking number 6=8 times a day for updates and wonder if the address is correct, even though it is always the same address that I received marbles at before. The thought of the little orbs losing their way drives me nuts. Then if I am out running errands and get the notification that they were delivered.....sometimes it says, left on your porch! Uhg, they'll be gone by the time I get there! I rush home leaving my errands in a panic to find them in my locked mailbox. lol One of these days I will get a ticket on the way. The only other instance that gets my blood pressure up, is the pending countdown of an auction, whether on ebay or not, as I watch the close the last three or 4 minutes, I start to get sick, sweat, cold sweaty hands,  dripping forehead, gut churning feeling week......makes that last bid difficult to type in as I shake. I swear I need to get some meds for panic attacks so I can survive those last few minutes. It does not seem to matter if it is a relatively common marble or a prized HTF marble that I think has went slightly un noticed.  And one wonders why I prefer to find my marbles in the wild! lol

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I've never smelled or tasted a marble.  As my mother would have said  "you don't know where that's been".   I pick my marbles up at my post office box so have never worried about them being taken from my porch.  I haven't bought one on ebay in eons so that doesn't bother me either.  It does bother me to pick up marbles from my box and wait until I get home to open them.  I usually don't make it farther than back to my car.  I sit there opening the package.  My worst marble problem is looking for a particular marble that I know is in my house somewhere and taking days to find it.

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Laughing here. This is a great thread!

How about that feeling of panic when you walk into a yard sale and the host is about 500 years old, you look around and notice a 6 year old with there grandma and the kid is picking up the only old 1/2 gallon blue glass jar full of marbles in the whole place. Lol. "Grammy Grammy, Hay Grammy! can I have these for my fish tank?"

Grammy looks at the jar. "My lord Johnny, that's $5.00. Oh; all right, hang on to them and don't drop em!" 

Plotting on how to bribe the kid now. Lol


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Oh yes ... the person showing you their marbles and running their hands through them and clacking them back and forth while you're trying not to hyperventilate. :lol:


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I havent been kept awake by marbles.  Im new to the hobby, and what I keep thinking is how much human societies have valued gemstones throughout history, and yet I dont think gems can hold a candle to the beauty of marbles. When we see a diamond, we connect with all the learned cultural programming surrounding diamonds.  They are mined from the earth at great expense, they're the hardest substance known to man, etc etc, and that helps convince us of its worth and beauty.  But I think that if a person who never heard of diamonds or marbles was shown a $1000 diamond and the marble I got for $3.50 last week off ebay and asked which is more beautiful, the diamond wouldnt stand a chance!  :lol:

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Welcome freedog.  

Nice thought! 

I think I agree ... put a colorful marble up next to a diamond and it's not a guarantee what the non-conditioned person might prefer.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

All my holiday company have left, and I am sitting amidst my humble collection with lights and magnifying glass. Happy as a clam. Or should say, an oyster enjoying her pearls. Haha.

I sent a picture of my "olives"  (see the Named marbles thread. Lol) to the cousin that gifted us this treasure and she replied: "I remember each one"  😅

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