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grey glass


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I read the thread about "angels" and other Pelt grey glass, which then morphed into a discussion about Kokomo. I was more confused after the second reading than I was when I started (I should know better by now). Anyway I pulled out a few grey base mibs and had them in hand, but nothing really matched, 'til I got to these and Kokomo.

These two mibs are identical in color. The larger one is 29/32nds. The small one is opalescent, I expect the big one would be as well but it is too large for the light to come through.  The small one has a Rainbo like structure, you have to look pretty close to see seams on the larger one. I could go on with clues but.... do you think these could be Kokomos? Thanks





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So Pelt they are. I had it in my head that Kokomos looked like drab Rainbos, but I just found the Kokomo thread in "Steph's study hall" and found that drab is not the case. Another thing  I discovered is that the chances of finding a Kokomo in NW Montana are pretty slim.  Thanks


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On 3/26/2021 at 9:40 AM, Berryb said:

Another thing  I discovered is that the chances of finding a Kokomo in NW Montana are pretty slim . . .

But I can guarantee its' better than my chance of finding a decent trout stream in Indiana!

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