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Three for ID


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Thank you for your time. First Marble I think it’s Vitro maybe a Parakeet or a “Pea” variant. Measures 0.62” inches 

Second one definitely glows It might be Akro? Not sure the pattern is somewhat like a tulip. Measures 0.62” inches 

third marble is a shooter 0.98” inches I think it’s either Alley or Jabo maybe. Any input on these three is appreciated. 

















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Parts of the 2nd certainly have a corkscrew appearance to them ... does the ribbon do a full twist around the marble?

The lighting is throwing me as noted in the other thread that I just commented on, but bases on the size and the busy-ness of the pattern, I think the 3rd could be Alley. 

The translucence of the base that's peeping out in the first has me wondering if it might be Akro but I don't have strong feelings about that.

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The new pictures are making #1 look more clearly Vitro.   It might be a Tiger Eye.


So, on #2, no cork?  Multiple colors are concentrated in one general area? Might have been more of a ribbon but it maybe it got swallowed up and folded into the seams.   That base glass makes me think of Peltier and Alley as much as Akro.  

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The green base and blue is Akro.

The green and orange/yellow is Vitro. Not a Parakeet. Not a Pea. Sweet pea, black eyed pea and Chic pea, None of these three. Each of the three Vitro peas are different color combinations.

The large one is Alley. 

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