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Bags of Marbles

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Keep seeing posts about old bags of marbles.  Been looking but never seem to find any until now.  Found these up for purchase but have no idea how much should be paid as the marbles in two of them are not much.  Coca Cola bag is more interesting.  Somehow the bag seems to put a lot of punch in the price.  Anyone that can give me some guidelines would be appreciated.

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Unable to tell what the marbles in the Coca Cola bag are.   The bag is so crisp that I'm worried that they're Jabo and that the bag is a fantasy bag in spite of being mesh.    But maybe it's actually an old bag and just happens to be as mint as can be.  

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The Coke bag pictures is not focused well enough to be sure about the marbles. But most or 95% of the coke bags are fake or fantasy bags. The only original Coke bags I can think of are the bottle hanger bags which have a hole in the header to hang on a Coke bottle. The yellow mesh could be older but it has been sold in rolls of new old unused stock. 

The two Vitro bags are original. But later Vitro as they say Gladding-Vitro. This when the original Vitro Agate Co. was sold to The Gladding Company.  The marbles are later Vitro All Reds from around 1980-1986. The single marbles are worth about ten cents each to the big majority of collectors. The Gladding-Vitro bags with these marbles are worth about $5.00 each. I have had good numbers of them and ended up giving many away free. 

If the Coke bag is a fantasy bag it is zero value to collectors. 

Wish I had better news but it is what it is. 

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