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Big Vacor


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Well it is a small world today Fire.

I was just hunting the Vacor site to ID a marble. It turned out to be a "VELOCIRAPTOR". A pretty cool marble in it's own right.

If you click through through the images of these you will see one looking close to yours in a net.

It is lacking in some colors, it is the 25mm size, close enough to 1 1/8" for me.


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Here is the one that I am talking about, I circled it.

Vacor marbles can be a tuff ID sometimes--they are what they are, just like any machine made is.

The colors in the big ones do not always show up as they should or do in the smaller ones. A well colored biggie is always a bonus in a Vacor marble.

As always, this is just my opinion and I welcome any others--this is what I love--and what I learn from---I just love this stuff.



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