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Coral and Mountain Dew?


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The left is a Alley Exotic Coral.  The Alley Moutain Dew main colors are transparent green base with yellow swirl. Some can have a small amount of orange swirl.

The Alley Exotic Coral is transparent green base with coral color swirl as the main swirl color. The Exotic Coral has extra swirl colors other than the Coral.  Which can be orange, yellow, purple or all three. 

Mt. Dew 



Exotic Coral 



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Requirements for Alley Mt. Dew, first is transparent green base. Second requirement is primary swirl color of bright yellow.  Some can have a small amount of orange swirl. 

Does your marble fit the above two main requirements or including the third option ? If no, it is not a Mt. Dew.   

Your marble has transparent green base with yellow, coral, orange, two or three shades of brown.  To many colors for a Mt. Dew.  It is a Alley Exotic Coral, some of these where yours has brown, can have shades of purple. 

When you add lots of different colors over top of bright transparent green, and those colors edges also lay over top of each other, colors look different than if separated.  With numbers of colors like three, four, five and they lay over top of each other anyplace. It is difficult to know what the original colors were. Glass colors do not mix to make a new color. Glass colors are not like paint. But if you thin a color enough, or lay it over top of another color. It can look very different than original.  

The true and pure bred Mt.Dew is a transparent green base with bright yellow swirl. 

Any other transparent green base with coral color and a coupe other colors are the Exotic Coral. 

The plain Coral is transparent green base with a coral color.  Now some people include almost opaque green with a coral color as a Alley coral. 

Then there is always the discussion what is Coral color ?    

Your marble will not fit with the plain Alley Coral.

Your marble will not fit with Alley Mountain Dew.

Your marble fits best with the Alley Exotic Coral.    

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