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UFO sightings


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Have you ever seen one ? 1995 I was elk hunting on horse back in Laveta Colorado. It was extremely windy. My horse got all spooky. My first thought was Mountain lion. I’m trying not to get bucked off. I get him settled down and by chance looked up. I saw what I would describe what looked like a milk dud and moving into the wind at a slow speed. Obviously a WTF moment. I watched it and Zing. Straight up and gone. I never heard any type of motor like noise. I have no idea what elevation it was at or how big it was. Creepy but cool. What about you guys ? Share you story if you have one 🔥


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I was at a party in Denver, 1974. We saw something, a large circle with red lights around the perimeter. It was a clear night, it blocked out the stars. Saw it for 15 minutes. The next day the official explanation was a formation of helicopters. We didn’t hear any sound at all.

in 2015, the wife and we’re in the hottub watching the sky, looking for satellites. We typically were seeing 5-8 per night. We saw one headed due north, when it literally made a right turn and headed east. Satellites typically move 15,000MPH, so no explanation. Kirkland, WA.

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When we were kids, we used to take rides on Sunday afternoons with Dad in the truck. Back in those days the highway ran right past one of the big chemical factories where we live, by the way that’s where I work now. As we approached the factory that evening sun was starting to set, and we seen a large object coming towards us right outside the plant, going slow. The wind was blowing toward the object, and we couldn’t hear anything. I would’ve swore it was Star Trek USS enterprise. Dad stopped the truck and we got out and watched as it went over the factory very slowly. Eventually we saw that it was an airline jet as it got closer to us. Sure, freaked us out. I couldn’t believe how slow it was going. The next day when Dad got home from work, he said that some big wigs visited the plant from out of town. They must’ve wanted to see how big the was plant from the air. By the way, there was an airport about 25 miles away and I’m assuming that’s where they landed. another thing to realize is that around here most jets we see at 30,000 feet. This one look like it was cropdusting. I still get goosebumps.

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'The Lounge' seems to be a thread for subjects other than marble specific content...sort of a decompression area to post subjects and questions that don't have to be marble oriented. Yes; our common interest is marbles, and we all contribute to this marblecentric universe. However, 'The Lounge' gives members the opportunity to share other things- like UFO sightings, recipes, etc. that show how multidimensional and interesting our members lives truly are. I bet that there is a lot more to your life than marbles. I'm sure that you have encountered experiences that are adventurous, fascinating, bizarre, and wonderful. If you feel so inclined, share some with us so that we may celebrate your world and your life.

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