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Your weirdest job


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I look back and thought about a job when I was  kid. I had a worm farm in my basement. I’d put wet newspaper, torn  up egg cartons and stuff like grass clippings. I’d dig Night Crawls and red worms up out of the garden and put them in my worm farm. I’d take 10 dozen of each and sold them to the local bait shop through out the summer. I could always trade for minnows,stink bait or a new lure. Some people are totally freaked out by worms. It was easy money when I was 8 🔥


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In my early teens I had a summer night job at a local family bakery.  My job was to fill the jelly and cream filled doughnuts.  One pump of filling was the instructed protocol......not enough in my mind.  2 pumps- much better!  It was all about the filling to me.  The owner was not happy...at first, until he realized he was selling 2x the norm.  Instead of firing me he decided to increase the cost per doughnut by 2 cents and the 'double pump' became a local doughnut craze.  More is better sometimes! 

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    Fire1981, We could have been brothers. We also had worms but they was in the garage outside. We did night crawlers but we didn't dig them we caught them at night. The best time was after a rain shower. You could always wet the lawn with a garden hose right before dark but that made the grass grow and that job didn't pay nothing. They would come out to eat and do other things, cause you could catch two at a time alot.  The local bait shop would give us .05 cents apiece. Not a lot but 200 was $10.00 bucks. That was more than we made mowing grass. We also seined crawdads for $8.00 bucks a gallon and that was the money maker. We could fill a gallon milk jug in no time. We also did shad guts in glass mayonnaise jars for a while. One year we accidentally left a jar in moms trunk during the summer. It would have been fine if the jar hadn't broke. It took us a forever to get the smell out of mom's car. Peroxide finally made it tolerable. We did all kinds of stuff to make money back then. We even picked up aluminum cans and cut fire wood. I use to know how many cans it would take to buy a bike. Never did get enough cans that one summer but I got close. I wouldn't trade those days for anything. We didn't have much but we were rich.   

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Not the weirdest but certainly the most disgusting. Crawling under old house to put up and string insulation. Well everyone knows where a cat, rat, coon, possum and every other animal goes to do it's business, yeah under the house.  :evil-grin-smileys-111:   Needless to say my insulation career lasted a total of one day. Being the new guy is ok, I expect the low end job but I do have my limits   :wacko:

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In my early 20's I dressed up in a full chicken mascot costume to go door to door handing out coupons to the Chicken restaurant that I bussed tables at. Luckily, I had a chaperone to accompany me. The worst part was spinning a sign for the restaurant in that costume at a freeway entrance. God!!--it smelled bad!! I also operated a Ferris wheel in a local amusement park. The perk was riding the carousel forever!!!...same with the tilt-a-whirl! I also got paid for sewing Buddhist Monk's robes.

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In my last year of High School I worked at a cheese factory on the weekends.

We had to go "out in the field" to "turn over" rounds of aged cheese.

After awhile, we got used to the funk--my family never got used to it--the funk!

My mom would say "take yours clothes off outside--or take a shower with them on first".

I still love a great "funky cheese"--I live in the right area for sure.

Funky Cheese--On!!

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Right! I to this day will shower in my Cruddy Yard Duds. That's a funny option she gave you. I sat next to the  Butcher's Son on the bus. He was 13 and I was 11. So ???? We had pig, dairy cow, chickens and every other types  of things a Farm Kid can smell like on the bus. Grandpa loved his Limburger cheese. Screw that ! When he would bust that out? I'm out the door and going fishing. 🔥


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Can’t say I’ve had any weird jobs - hot ones, yes - e.g. I worked college summers on a homebuilder’s gravel crew prepping new basements. Great way to lose weight fast (and I learned to love using a jackhammer, too.) But my first job out of college was a bit unusual because I was hired as an “assistant clerk” in a wholesale lumber company at $100/week - big money lol - and the head clerk, my new boss, was a young woman. Saying that that was ‘weird’ in 1974 would be an understatement - women in the lumber industry were extremely scarce to begin with, but women as superiors? Almost unheard of then, sadly - but I found it as natural for me as any other relationship, and both she and I went on to bigger and better positions in the future.



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In elementary school(Albuquerque 1960’s) I had a friend whose family kept snakes and an owl. The owl lived in the top shelf of a bookcase in the living room.

they paid me $0.10 for every lizard I caught to feed the pets. A whole lot of running for sand diggers and blue-tails. Lots of cuts and scraps due to cactus and tumbleweeds, plus goathead stickers.


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  • 7 months later...

I lasted less than an hour I think in the hole of an oil tanker ship at dock in Beaumont TX. I ruined pants, boots and a shirt and probably several hundred thousand brain cells. 

This was an assignment from an outfit called Manpower, a temporary employment service.

It paid minimum wage which i think was $1.35 hr back in 1972 or 73. I was kind of desperate for money and a job out of Lake Charles LA as a young teenager away from home on my own. I did not get paid since I was issued a hard hat that they took out of my check as I recall.

The job was to go down a ladder and shovel sludge into a bucket that was lowered down to me by a rope and wait for it to come back for a refill.

The fumes of that crude was unbelievable  No way could anyone get away with putting somebody to work under those conditions. I don't even know why I went down that hole but I quit and waited on the van to take the rest of the crew home and never went back for another temp job. INSANE!

I soon got a job at a Sambo's Restaurant as a dishwasher with great success at $1.50.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wierdest job paid the best. For the last 17 years I have audited commercial properties for energy efficiency. I found countless cases where there were design/construction deficiencies the no one ever exposed due to liability issues. I exposed them and subsequently, and typically got fired for doing so. Talking millions in liabilities. I have finally said screw it and retired.  I have never been happier to get out of the industry.

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I worked for a bit in steel mills , duties included cleaning coke ovens after they blew apart.

Temperature was so hot we worked in 5 min shifts.

True story I quit after 3 friends died in an oven that had zero oxygen. 

First when in following the next and the next. 38 years later it's still in court.

I didn't show up for my shift that night , some kind of luck I guess.

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