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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. I've posted 3 lots of really pretty Ravenswoods in the buy-sell-trade forum. Check it out if you like this type. Could be an Alley or Champion in there too.
  2. I was tempted by that one but something in my brain said not to bid.
  3. Thanks, Galen. I have almost no polished machinemades, but this one looked pockmarked so it was suspicious.
  4. I've never seen all these black dots on any other Christensen. Opinions? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/VINTAGE-CHRISTENSEN-FLAME-MARBLE-MINT-CONDITION-3-4-BLUE-BASE-YELLOW-OXBLOOD-/271368389468?ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:CA:1123
  5. I enjoy doing just that with my catseyes! I suppose I should get out some of my solitaire boards and really give myself a smile.
  6. What constitutes a "perfect" marble? One that you never tire looking at? The one in the most perfect condition? Just askin'.
  7. At one time long ago, there was a very long and heated debate/discussion on Alan's marble board about what constituted "true" oxblood. I wonder if anyone can dig it up. It was one of those controversies that keeps resurfacing.
  8. The same was true of Les Jones, aka "Great Marbles". Whatever he put on ebay went for big bucks. Some marbles would be considered fairly common, such as transparent NLRs, and he'd still get close to $100. Reputation is priceless, isn't it?
  9. Hmmm, I've never bid on a Morphy's auction and now I know to stay away.
  10. I can't help it, my frugal upbringing says that amount of money would almost buy a new roof, which we had to do this spring. But yes, the marble is exquisite.
  11. Sorry if some of these images are too large; I'm counting on the program to re-size them. Just wanting to show some of my nicer Pelts in this thread.
  12. Can you post a close-up photo of the black & yellow popeye?
  13. Killer is right! They would definitely kill my retirement savings! I enjoyed drooling over them though. I have 3 solitaire boards filled with handmades but the really choice ones are in a display case and not as minty as these beauties.
  14. That's called raining on his parade, Galen.
  15. I remember endless debates on this forum years ago over how much clear there has to be to qualify as a "true" popeye. I'd never dare say yea or nay.
  16. The late Les Jones once told me that rarity doesn't trump eye appeal, so even if this is a true guinea does it have that?
  17. I really like the one with the speckles!
  18. I was never clear on what happened with his collection. Did his best marbles get grabbed into high end collections? Not trying to stir up anything.
  19. OMG.....!!!!! Is that enough of a reaction, Joeren?? I assume you found it in some out of the way antiques shop in Europe, not ebay?
  20. Hey thanks, kbobam! It's nice to have one marble that some people drool over! And thanks for your opinion above.
  21. As someone who owns 2 of these marbles, I'm curious about what factored into the selling price on this item. Since I bought them together, I've always assumed they're same cane. And I'll do a little happy dance if this indicates handmades are appreciating in value. http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1423.l2649
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