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Everything posted by bigtee0

  1. both of them? dang!!! oh well such is life in the big city. those green one are neat as everytime i look at them there is something new to look at........ Marie
  2. isnt that like the one in Galen's avatar?
  3. smarty pants, you werent supposed to know that,lol i got a pic one time when it was still all glass and it was very pretty. made me want to go collect sea glass. Marie
  4. there is a beach somewhere that is nothing but sea glass. i've seen a picture and it is gorgeous. Marie
  5. you can get shiny with out eye balls, that eye ball is very distracting. pull back and bounce the light off at an angle and it should look a lot better. i have just a light overhead and they come out just fine. my daddy and hubby are picture takers and i picked up a few pointers from them. Marie
  6. aw Dani, now you've gone and made me drool..... it is drop dead gorgeous... Marie
  7. when you find out please let me know as i just got one just like it.
  8. like those marbles, nice to see ya Duff, ttyl Marie
  9. perfect bumblebee!!! cant mistake what that is......
  10. i tried to tell some awhile back how to do lighting for marbles so they wouldnt get those two big white eyeballs but you wouldnt listen so now its to late.......
  11. just heard from Liz and she is ok or rather so so. but at least she wasnt in the Atlanta hurricane last year....thanks anyway. Marie
  12. has anybody heard from or about Ponkochan (Liz) lately? where is she? so i cant spell, sorry.... Marie
  13. if that the one in Ill. you know marbles dont float. got lotsa flooding.
  14. sorry Sweeties, i was not feeling very well the other night (thought it was the end) and i didnt want any nose trouble around here. guess i'd best jump back in huh? lol
  15. thanks David, glad someone cares enough to help.
  16. has anyone heard from Ponkochan (Liz) since the end of July? i've sent several emails and she hasnt answered and she ALWAYS answers the. she lives in Atlanta GA and they had that real bad storm the end of July....... if anyone knows how to reach her or ask a Atlanta newspaper..... Marie whats the name of that marble board she has?
  17. in my experience Chinese Checkers marbles weren't used for industrial. i have seen industrial blue and its not the same shade. probably not the right box. imho, Marie
  18. Greetings and welcome to Lou Campanella's Marble Connection. we have lotsa fun here.


  19. i could see it better if it wasnt for your reflection.
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