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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I guess that means Griff is not coming to KC?
  2. Just felt the need to say this Steph: I would post here more if it were easier to post pics. On Facebook, I can post my pictures without uploading to a host. My pics come on Facebook in a large size that nobody has to click on to enlarge so they can see them. Don't know how they do that, but that's the main reason I post there instead. Plus the fact that I don't post where people criticize the marbles I post. The same old same bothers me. Don't like defending marbles I like. I don't criticize other people's marbles because I don't like them. To each his own.
  3. That is a Charles Gibson snakeskin and I think the green one is also a Gibson.
  4. Glad you checked in here. What a dirty trick!
  5. Maybe the cost of the red glass.
  6. I have some Valentne marbles made by a previous owner of this chat board. I can't remember his name. And I don't have pics of his marbles. I need to dig them out. Maybe his signature would refresh my memory. Remember he and Alan had a big brouhaha and he ended up disappearing in embarrassment. I like him. A simple "I'm sorry" would have fixed it for me. He did owe Alan an apology. However, someone carried tales and repeated what he had said in confidence and it was hurtful to Alan.
  7. What a good post. I love Mike's marbles.
  8. I like your agates. Weldon bought some a long time ago at a gun show in Houston. They belonged to a gun collector . He'd had them since he was a child. He brought them with his guns to see if he could sell them at the antique show next door. They never made it to the antique show
  9. I have that calendar too. Always wanted to have it framed and hang it on the wall. A lot of mine are signed too. Sadly, some of those folks are no longer with us.
  10. Great job you did. In Texas we'd say "Ya done gud." Great that you did the project with your son! Pass it on!!
  11. I was looking through some pictures from Sistersville Marble Festival and found a couple of Clyde Tuller. Thought you might enjoy seeing them. Looks like he's a Kevin Plummer's table. This was 2009.
  12. I see some clear areas between the green glass. is it clear glass or green? Ron told me to watch for clear areas as a sign they were Champion Agate. I'm not good at IDing from pictures.
  13. Two aliens and Saturn up close. The aliens are playing marbles with the universe.
  14. Contest piece from Tucson Flame Off 2010. Artists Kevin O'Grady, Lewis Wilson, and Rashan Omari Jones. It's the universe and aliens, Pluto is represented by the dog.
  15. I'd like to have that big Vitro parrot.
  16. Make up a new word for the process Griff. I would use a new word.
  17. It's OK to disagree Galen. I still disagree that the entire surface has to be covered. And whether it's brushed, sprayed, or whatever, the end result is an expensive glass melted on top of a cheaper glass.
  18. I don't think the veneering process is limited to a definition of how much of the surface of the base glass has to be covered. Veneering is veneering. Conquerors were veneered. Victories were veneered. Tiger eyes were veneered, etc.
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